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The lemmy-network is (for now) full of tankies. Just look at this: https://lemmy.ml/home/data_type/Post/listing_type/All/sort/T...

This comment breaks more than one of HN"s guidelines: https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html.

Please don't take HN threads into ideological flamewar, don't call names, and avoid unsubstantive and/or flamebait posts.

And Pleroma is full of whatever the polar opposite of a tankie is (not going to use the "f" word but you know who I mean). It's not too surprising that the political allegiances of the core developers affect who is and isn't interested in joining the network.

I mean there’s a lot of that on Reddit too. Check out r/sino

Reposting my comment from 2 years ago (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28453627):

FediTips, a Mastodon account, recently shared some concerns about the Uyghur-related content in the largest Lemmy instance, which is run by Lemmy's developers:


This created a firestorm on Lemmy, on which it was noted that Lemmy removes conservative and libertarian communities with the reason "No conservative communities":

> Removed Community conservatives reason: No conservative communities

> Removed Community Libertarian, in the pursuit of a free society reason: No conservative communities allowed



Perhaps the underlying software is fine, but the largest Lemmy instance is not exactly the friendliest to anyone who wants to express themselves more freely than they are allowed to on mainstream social networks.

Well you can start your own instance.

But if the federation is largely people you won't want to interact with (or who refuse to interact with you), that just puts you on a version of Reddit with no other users.

You're egging and reducing a website because it has leftists on it while the paragons of personal responsibility, efficient markets, and the banking system are having a meltdown and getting a bailout.

Remind me again what government handouts and interventions are?

I don't understand the point of a comment like "there are leftists that use this website".

Please don't take HN threads further into ideological flamewar. It's not what this site is for, and destroys what it is for.


GP said "tankies" not "leftists".

For people from two-party-system country it may sounds same. But as someone born in Czechoslovakia, some of those linked posts gave me a pause.

I'll take occasional bank failures over communism any day. The death toll of the SVB meltdown is zero.

Government handouts and interventions are social democracy, the system we all live in.


Please don't take HN threads further into ideological flamewar. It's not what this site is for, and destroys what it is for.


We don't have social democracy for regular people, only the rich and corporations

Please don't take HN threads further into ideological flamewar. It's not what this site is for, and destroys what it is for.


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