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Elizabeth Warren: We Can Prevent More Bank Failures (nytimes.com)
5 points by aarghh on March 13, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

>S.V.B. and Signature shareholders will be wiped out, but their executives must also be held accountable...We should claw all of that back, along with bonuses for other executives at these banks. Where needed, Congress should empower...

Who is going to hold them accountable? I'm not. You're not. Congress won't. It's the same as before. With the amount of hot air in this paragraph, we could heat our homes in winter.

She's arguing that her colleagues should join her changing that, not sure why that's ruffled your feathers so much.

Reflexive nihilism does not help.

Elizabeth Warren's was one of the most influential academics in commercial and bankruptcy law before she became a politician. This is the thing she knows best.

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