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I agree strongly with this; we've observed the same problem. Within our family, we have many common tastes and many differing tastes, and it would help to have recommendations that took those into account.

The same thing goes for the "recently watched" list on Watch Instantly, which mixes together shows watched by any user on any device.

I sort of dislike the "recently watched" list since it sometimes limits what I am willing to watch.

There's a British movie on Netflix, at least in Canada, called Cashback. It was a really decent movie, but it was really poorly marketed. The cover art is a woman frozen in a state of undress (with the title obscuring her bare breasts), and the description of the plot talked of a bored employee at a grocery store with the ability to freeze time who used the frozen time to undress customers and sketch them nude.

I was curious, as many men would be, but I didn't want to watch it because I didn't really want that to be the first thing on screen in the "recently watched" list when my girlfriend turned on Netflix.

In fact, I only ever watched it because Netflix later recommended it to me as "mind bending", which seemed like an odd description of the boob-filled teenage sex romp it seemed to be. I looked it up on Amazon and discovered the real plot, and decided to watch it anyway.

The frozen time nude artistry was mostly contained to a single throwaway scene (the time freezing was also initially presented as a time-passing fantasy rather than a real ability, though the film does play fast and loose with that line as the movie progresses), but it still made me hesitate because of the "recently watched" list.

I have no idea how I'll get away with watching Barbarella.

That's interesting. Netflix keeps recommending me Cashback too, even though I don't normally watch that type of movie. It's been recommending it so consistently for so long that I've been curious too, but I still haven't watched it.

I watched it. You should do the same. May not be the best movie that you've ever seen, but I thought that it was good.

I thought Cashback was disappointing. But the same premise is explored in the book The Fermata by Nicholson Baker and his writing is delightful.

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