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Funny thing is that where I grew up everybody is much willing to use public transportation where possible, while nobody has so much hate for cars like North America liberals do in recent 10 years.

It is just an inconvenient truth to point out US public transportation is in such a bad shape that driving in a lot of cases is the only option. At least it is much safer.

US public transportation isn't necessarily the problem, and neither is cars themselves; the root cause is US zoning/infrastructure.

When everything is built with cars in mind, nothing is walkable and everything is super far apart. (Because, after all, you're supposed to use your car to get there!) In a properly-designed area you don't even necessarily need public transit.

North American liberals? I live in a neighborhood that I would call liberal--it has a pretty high density of BLM and "We Believe" signs. But it probably averages better than two cars per household.

How is driving much safer?

Better in what sense? Actually I just want to point out "the US public transportation is just bad thus it is considerably more dangerous than driving if you don't regularly DUI". You can not promote public transportation by just saying car is inefficient, because that's not even the problem here.

You want to walk in downtown Brooklyn at 10pm or drive through? You want to take MARTA or drive in Atlanta after 7pm? Have you tried BART? If you don't even know what I am talking about, you probably have never really lived in a place in US that mass transit even exists.

"Better" in the colloquial sense of "more than"; my neighborhood averages more than two cars per household, or so I estimate. I am simply pointing out that it is very possible to be liberal and not hostile to cars.

I don't know downtown Brooklyn, but within the week I walked in Park Slope about 10 at night. Many years ago I was regularly on public transportation after 11 pm.

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety says that there were 36 deaths in 34 crashes in Washington, DC, during 2020, for what that's worth.

You'd better take a look how much an Apartment cost in Park Slope first.

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