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Dokku Maintainer here.

I don't really have a business model. I do take donations from Open Collective (and Github Sponsors, which funnels to OC) and there is Dokku Pro, but those don't collect anywhere near the funds I'd need to stop my dayjob (at least now. Maybe someday?).

My business model is that code releasing is something I'm pretty passionate about. Dokku isn't even originally my project (Jeff Lindsay started it, I just took it over), but I've been working on it for almost a decade. It's open source and fairly simple, so even if something happened to me, others could theoretically continue the project on as desired (or build on top of it if need be).

I'd be interested in hearing any of your other concerns though :)

Oh that's really cool to know, wasn't expecting the Dokku maintainer to read my comment LOL. From what I had looked at some time ago I though the project was run with the profits from Dokku pro, although upon further thought I understand that that's probably not enough to keep someone working full-time on it LOL.

I checked the repo and yeah, it checks out, Dokku _is_ pretty manageable with a decently small codebase. Having a low bus factor is really important for me. I'll check it out soon, and hopefully leave a donation to help you keep the project going too :)

Nah Dokku really is mostly a labor of love. Originally I started working on it to provide a Heroku alternative for a group of students that couldn't afford what they needed to on Heroku (this was like... in 2014) and I've since been using it to run all my own stuff and the occasional client install when I do freelance.

Thank you so much for your tremendous work!

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