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tl;dr, he took acid in a bad setting, lost touch with reality, and ended up crying in bed for a few hours. It then bothered him for months after.

I don't want to be too insensitive but I don't understand how that's getting even a little close to life ruining.

I've had a similar experience before. It was scary, but it didn't bother me at all after. I understood I experienced my brain having it's wires crossed for a while and left it at that.

Not many meaningful conclusions you can draw from it except I should take less next time.

I'd be more sympathetic to the author here. You don't know what they experienced, and you don't get a choice on how these things are going to impact you. People can get PTSD from relatively minor accidents or disturbing experiences.

I had a fairly traumatic experience like the author's, it was relentlessly terrifying, and some of the things I saw were like precision bomb attacks on my ego that I couldn't just shake off by saying "well that wasn't real". I got over it fairly quickly, but I can fully imagine not being able to next time, and I will never be as cavalier with these things again.

> I don't understand how that's getting even a little close to life ruining.

Probably because "I had a bad few months" isn't as good of a headline as "nearly ruined my life"

Maybe it actually "nearly ruined his life"? This is not the first person and surely not the last who has had a bad trip that affected them long past their trip? There are many accounts of DP/DR and PTSD occurring after such events.

>I've had a similar experience before. It was scary, but it didn't bother me at all after. I understood I experienced my brain having it's wires crossed for a while and left it at that.

It's great that you had a bad experience that you were able to cope with so easily. What does this have to do with the author's experience however?

Your "tl;dr" is needlessly mean-spirited and downplays the author's experiences. People can develop DP/DR and PTSD symptoms from bad trips. Some of those can last for a very long time and others really can worsen if no professional help is sought.

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