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What We Talk About When We Talk About Mathematics (2022) [pdf] (pitt.edu)
60 points by furcyd on March 4, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

>Doing mathematics means coming up with ways of thinking about things, which is pretty much the same as coming up with ways of talking about things.

Which is very close to programming and creating AI.

>At a time when it seems that every undergraduate is majoring in computer science, data science, or business, I still come across students from across the United States that are double-majoring in mathematics and philosophy.

In context of the 'waste of time' part in paragraph 2, isn't computer science the right choice if neither mathematicians nor philosophers talk about the things that matter?

Not everyone who majors in math is studying pure mathematics with the intention of becoming a professor. Math is a huge subject with a ton of areas that are applicable to industry, including:

* statistics / data science

* machine learning

* computational mathematics / numerical methods

* optimization and operations research

* symbolic computation and computer algebra

* data visualization

Many of these topics may be taught under the umbrella of a CS department but they’re much heavier on math (and lighter on programming) than what a typical CS student would prefer. At least some of them predate computer science as a field and others developed independently but later took advantage of computers due to their reliance on heavy calculation.

Link still not working ...

works for me, I have uploaded for those who can not reach the file https://fex.net/s/rzstzct

If you copy the link and paste it on your browser's address bar, then it works.

But clicking from here does not.

I don't know why!


This is the weirdest thing. How can it be that it depends on whether I click or copy to the browser whether it works?...

referer header

Link not working

Thanks. I did Google it but somehow skipped the first link mistakenly thinking it's an ad.

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