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Twitter Manager Who Shared Office Sleeping Post Gets Laid Off (inc.com)
2 points by ppjim on March 1, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

it's actually becoming an interesting experiment to see how few employees it might now take to keep Twitter running. Musk seems to have a direct hand in production direction (to understate the obvious), so presumably his final point of regression might just be him and half a dozen engineers. Conceivably, it might still run at this minimally staffed level

On the other hand: "Twitter is Down Globally" https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34980805

Maybe she still dared to contradict him. Or just did bad work. We don't know her side of the story yet

All the articles I read on this seem to imply that sleeping in the office should somehow make you immune to being laid off and that your boss must be a real SOB otherwise... Clearly the story is spun to attack Musk.

No, this misses the point, which is that nobody should sleep in the office, and there's no reward for uncritical loyalty or killing yourself at work.

If your boss tells you to be "extreme", tell your boss to go jump in a lake. There are other jobs, other companies, better lives than sacrifice for corporate overlords.

Every dictator will eventually turn on his minions, because dictators only care about themselves. History has proved this ad infinitum.

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