What? Military research has benefits outside of military use. V-2s became Saturn Vs on the way to the moon, which begat ICBMs. Haber-Bosch method gave us more fertilizer, but also more explosives. Lasers can be used for hair removal surgery, or as guidance systems for rockets. Explosives themselves can be used for civil engineering purposes. The Me 262 was meant to be an agile fighter, but now we use its technology to haul millions of people a day across the world.
Thinking about war technology as strictly evil and "must avoid" is honestly stupid.
ok sean I think you've moved the goalposts pretty far now to be justified in calling me stupid. I surely am but only for participating in this experiment in paring away context until fighter jets become tools for human thriving.
good work here I really think you should go watch some videos of them being used though especially the ones with children involved.
You confuse me. People are interested in technology because its cool and neutral. All technology can be used for both good and bad things, and that's historically provable. Making specific areas of science off limits for virtue points is unreasonable. And I didn't call you stupid. I called that point of view stupid. I'm sure you're not a generally stupid person.
I cannot be more clear than this then and I hope it resolves your confusion: cool is debatable but these technologies are not neutral. They are bad, and engaging with them as if they are neutral is bad for you. That's the point I originally made and the one I'm still making.
Thinking about war technology as strictly evil and "must avoid" is honestly stupid.