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Even Democrats Like Me Are Fed Up with San Francisco (nytimes.com)
7 points by brendannee on Feb 27, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I mean, objectively speaking it’s easy for a democrat (or anyone really) to be fed up with San Francisco.

The city doesn’t build enough housing. Permitting is a Byzantine horror show. There are lots of reasons but it’s near impossible to get anything through the planning department. The bus is for crazy people. The subway lets you out in piles of human feces. Traffic is a nightmare. Open heroin use on main streets in broad daylight. Breakdown of law and order. I personally watched some of the infamous brazen shoplifting so don’t believe the apologists who say reports are overblown. Gangs go into Safeway and tag items on the shelves. Police literally stand by when burglary suspects run out and drive away.

The only good thing about the current situation and I mean the ONLY thing is that it’s so unpleasant and so many tech jobs have left that enough people might leave so that rents stop raising at 15% a year as they have for the last two decades. Don’t get me wrong. They won’t go down. San Francisco would have to build about ten thousand more units a year for that. They’ll just stop going up so fast.

I would literally prefer to live in a failed state where government has broken down entirely. At least that way they’d stop pretending and get out of the way.

Is "like me" in the headline implying "multi-billionaire" or the opposite, that this Billionaire is a good example of average Democrat voters?

Whenever I encounter a phrase of the type "x like me (holds strongly contra-x opinion)" on the internet I assume the speaker is false-flagging until proven otherwise.

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