After getting a house with a decent sized yard and trees, I have been having a lot of fun with planting native plants. While my neighbors are cutting down trees, which is honestly hard to watch, and paying landscapers to plant non-native plants, I'm spending a lot of time researching and planting native plants. It is honestly one of the more fulfilling things to walk outside and see all sorts of bees, butterflies, moths, rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels, and birds living their lives. They all work so hard that it is inspiring. I'm looking forward to spring again for this exact reason.
I sort of disagree with the article though. I think one should actually take a relatively hardline approach to planting only native plants. Just because you have a lot of activity around a plant doesn't mean it's the right activity. You could be attracting non-regional and non-native species which is generating the activity.
And honestly, native plant species are easy. If you plant them in the right place, they will grow very easily and strongly with minimal care. Then you can collect their seeds. I am really hoping that all the milkweed we're planting brings more monarchs. Last year, we saw a couple.
I like Douglas Tallamy's books Bringing Nature Home and Nature's Best Hope.
Native plants may be easy; but by that measure, invasives are where its at. :D
That said, bringing down trees is always odd to me. Definitely bring down any that pose a risk to your house. But otherwise, seems more effort than it is worth. I should probably be a lot better at pruning, as that is a ton of work. And, while intellectually I know the answer is that you are unlikely to kill the tree, I am always worried about that to the point that I don't prune enough.
I'm still not totally certain how to "manage" the trees in our yard. We are in a quite woody area with huge trees. I contacted an arborist place last year and plan on paying them to come out and teach me about the trees on my property. The previous owners cutdown some huge trees, but luckily mainly concentrated on the trees that were super close to the house. It's possible remaining trees could hit the house, and they are actually relatively likely to snap off at some point due to the wind. But I think it's relatively unlikely it will happen and we have insurance if it does. I could remove the possibility and also completely remove ticks as well if I transformed the yard into concrete, but that is of course completely self-serving. My neighbor recently had a tree crack and slightly hit his house. I can't see any real damage from my point of view, but I can only describe it as him waging war against trees on his property afterward. He removed 99% of the remaining trees on his yard (these are huge trees), including ones that couldn't hit his house even if they broke at the base of the trunk (which they never do).
Another house that has sit empty for a year and a half recently cutdown all its trees. Literally all the trees. All that's left is a graveyard of stumps, which makes it look like a warzone from WWI or something. There was probably 50 trees cutdown.
There's no way I'm cutting down the oaks, and I'm unlikely to cutdown any tree, even if it's dead since even those support insects, owls, woodpeckers, and other birds.
I was in a similar situation, maybe someone could benefit from the experience:
We're in a cold climate here, so one early goal was to have more deciduous (leafy) trees on the southern side. This provides shade in summer but solar heat in winter.
Right now in that southward location is an overgrown ~60 year pine replant. Bad for sun, bad for fire. We ended up taking down a total of 50 (!) dead spindly pines. The building now gets noticeably more sun, but (intentionally) you can hardly notice a difference in forest density! However it gave a lot more room and sun for the maples and oaks already coming up, which are the species we want to encourage.
To choose trees, I took a sun path app and walked back and forth along the south wall. This let me choose only dead pines that were shading the building in winter.
Another goal was to avoid burning. The pine logs now rot peacefully (waterlogged) on the forest floor, feeding fungus while they buffer rainfall and cover chipmunk holes. Don't worry, there's still abundant dead stand habitat as well.
For ticks, you might consider chickens or ducks. Note that they will eat and scratch everything, so you might get one of those cheap solar electric fence enclosures. You can enclose a large area for little cost, leaving some habitat areas where toads and salamanders won't get gobbled up!
Thank you for leaving the dead … super important habitat!
Also wanted to mention the importance of diversity. Everybody thinks trees trees trees but, at least where I live, native prairie plants are just as, if not more important, and are unfortunately largely ignored.
That's a good point. I am mainly concentrating on plants and haven't even got to bushes or trees yet, in terms of planting. I will want some professional advice on where to place the trees I'd like to plant. I want to plant trees for looks, to return some areas back to trees where some were previously cut down, and to also re-block a backyard neighbor (another one) who tore down all their trees.
The plants are really fun because you can just basically plant them anywhere and see how they do. They take quickly and don't pose any harm to infrastructure.
I have no idea. The house has literally sat completely empty for well over a year. The tree cutting was the first activity I have ever seen there. I don't know if they plan on tearing the house down and rebuilding or what. I also have no idea if there's someone who actually plans to live there or if it's owned by an investor.
It's possible I overestimated, but it has to be at least over two dozen trees. And these are not small trees. There's of course smaller ones but others are easily over 40-50 feet.
50+ has to be weighed against the total volume of trees. If you have too many trees in a small space, none of them thrive. It can be valuable to actively thin the forest so that you have a smaller number of thriving trees rather than a larger number of struggling trees.
If someone planted 50+ trees that are a terrible fit for the lot, well that's a good reason to take them out too, hopefully with replacements.
Personally, I live on a large lot with hundreds of trees, and it would be easy to select 50 trees that would be reasonable to cut down, and you'd hardly notice. But the only large tree we cut down was a (non native) cottonwood planted near the house that had bifurcated and was likely to fall on the house in the foreseable future. When we thin the forest, it's mostly younger trees in thick growth that don't have room to grow well.
I mean, not wrong, but doesn't seem in the spirit of the upper post. "All that's left is a graveyard of stumps" does not sound like someone thinning out a forest. Or even preparing a lot for a house, since you will have to grind out all of the stumps.
FWIW: In my area it is not uncommon for "off-grid" properties to cut down a number of trees around structures, as fire prevention. While 50 does sound like a lot, depending on the density and proximity to a house and the potential path of a fire, it may be reasonable. On the other hand, if a house had sat empty for a while, say in an estate sale type situation, it could be the estate trying to make a buck off some lumber while wood prices have been high.
I know someone who's property was clearcut by a previous owner that knew they were gonna be foreclosed on as a "fuck you" at the bank. Which is a shame as the trees on the other side of the property line are beautiful and old.
It's true, but just to clarify for people out there: "yard trees" bring less, and maybe nothing...if you can get someone out there. It's because there's usually only one or a few in that spot, they're difficult to get to (behind a house), and they're full of metal that will damage saw blades (like that clothes line pulley someone put up in 1930).
It seems that trees interlock their roots to prevent them from falling. So make sure trees are not lonely. Trees then would have to break to fall. And here you can trim the long branches to decrease the weight.
> I'm unlikely to cutdown any tree, even if it's dead since even those support insects, owls, woodpeckers, and other birds.
Be careful doing this with any tree that can potentially fall on your home or one of your neighbors'. You will have a lot more trouble getting insurance to pay out if they find out you knew the tree was dead.
Depends on your goals. I’d love to have some big towering trees around me, but I also love gardening and laying in the sun. One big tree in an inopportune could shade my entire yard.
Note that posing a risk doesn't just mean "if giant tree were to fall toward house it would be a problem." Obviously, you should monitor the health of any giant tree nearby, but by and large healthy trees growing tall is not an immediate concern. Moreover, some of those trees would be perfectly healthy if you kept them pruned to a safer height.
So, posing a risk is more on trees that are likely to fall over and do major damage. Or those that have root systems that are too close to your foundation and going to cause issue in that way.
All of this is said as someone that loves giant trees nearby. Seeing eagles and such nest at the top of trees that are hundreds of feet tall is very cool.
Edit: Also consider fire hazard to the house, depending on where you live.
Interesting! I've been drinking dandelion root coffee for a few years alongside regular decaf and it's great (although a bit subtle).
What part and in what form did you eat it, leaves, root, flower?
Oh cool I tried dandelion root as a tea and didn't like it much but I think I need to try it again. We dried it, ground it, and ran it through a french press. Is that similar to what you did?
We pick the leaves early in the season (March/April in Colorado) and they're not too bitter and work great sauteed, or raw in a wrap. We also put extra in freezer bags, freeze them, then blend them up in a shake and that's pretty good. Because of the shape of the plant I found that it collects dirt really easily, so picking a more mature plant is not only more bitter but also tougher to get all the gunk off the leaves.
The heads are good too. Let the dandelion bloom, then as soon as the blooms close again we go out and pick them. I tend to just eat them as I'm doing other things in the yard but they keep for a little while in the fridge too. I threw some in a stir-fry once and it was pretty good. They're juicy, slightly sweet, and maybe a little nutty. Wait too long though and it's just fluff on the inside which doesn't taste that great.
One year we picked the flowers while they were still yellow and dried them, then we baked them into cookies. It was a lot of picking but it tasted pretty good.
Yes - actually I use store bought rather than homemade, the brand is Cotswold (here in the UK) and I suspect it's pretty expensive for what you get, probably because of the processing involved.
Interesting to hear of the uses, I'm going to try it this year - there will be no shortage of dandelions in our yard. Culturally here there's a bias against eating dandelion, as a child I had it drummed into me that touching one will make you wet the bed!
Somewhat interestingly, trees can also be quite dead and perfectly safe not being brought down. Even healthy for the forest. I'm looking at a dead tree just outside my house that is quite pretty and perfectly fine where it is.
My neighbor cut down and chipped a large area of mostly dead trees. Maybe his original intent was to clear the area and expand his back yard but it's been 2 years and it's still just a bunch of ugly stumps and brush. I have a lot of woodpeckers around and it makes me sad that they lost a bunch of homes - woodpeckers primarily nest in dead/dying trees.
> I sort of disagree with the article though. I think one should actually take a relatively hardline approach to planting only native plants. Just because you have a lot of activity around a plant doesn't mean it's the right activity. You could be attracting non-regional and non-native species which is generating the activity.
I disagree. Native plants are great, but so are tomatoes or some bell and habanero peppers. You're projecting your personal opinions on what makes a garden good. To some, a good garden is defined by its native-plant biodiversity. To others, it's getting fresh herbs for salads at dinner. To others it is something else. It's not an either-or thing. You can plant many things and reap varying benefits.
Same for you! Interestingly, contrary to you, my wife and I only ever gardened for produce. Didn't turn out that well with poor soil and drainage, but we tried. Wishing we had the space for it again at our current residence. And, of course, I'd actually like to have more space dedicated to native plants and biodiversity. I love bees, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds and other pollinators. Even small areas of 'nature' (if you can call specifically cultivated areas nature) really improve the enjoyment and charm of a living space.
With edibles is getting tricky because everyone is eating everything… sometimes just one bite from a nice big tomato enough to ruin it…. Best to plant a lot to have for you, or plan for the ugly nettings and enclosures…. One thing that usually works are cherry tomatoes enough for you and the critters….
Of course. To some people, that viewpoint is what defines it as good. For others, it's beauty. For others, it's pure diversity. For others, it's minimizing the work involved. The choice of what is considered "good" here is a very personal thing.
Still, it's dismissive to place it into a class of personal opinion, when the colloquial understanding, especially here, is that there is no expectation of evidence behind it.
The other comment covered my thoughts mostly. Ecology is important. But I can't eat Blackfoot daisy. Not all gardens are there for ecosystem health. Some are for utilitarian purposes.
If the majority of your plants are native, a few non-native isn't going to hurt, assuming that they are well controlled.
Where they can be useful is that they often bloom at different times, or provide food at the start or end of the season, not furnished by native plants.
This can be really useful for supporting a wider range of species, especially with the seasons expanding/compressing.
> I think one should actually take a relatively hardline approach to planting only native plants.
I disagree.
Billions of birds fly around the world every year with seeds in their gut. Plants are constantly, naturally, migrating in territory.
"Native" plants are plants which were in a given place (in this example the US) before an arbitrary date (for the US, very roughly 1500), when we started keeping track of local flora.
The climate is observably changing, and what was "native" in 1500 may not be applicable to a local ecosystem anymore. Trees are already suffering in some ranges, and ranges are moving north.
Note that there is a difference between "non-native" (arbitrary) and "invasive" (measurable). Planting invasives (whether native or non-native) should be discouraged because they have the potential to disrupt ecosystems by completely filling niches. Planting non-invasive non-natives is harmless, and if well considered can be beneficial to your local ecosystem.
If you haven't already, you might enjoy learning about permaculture. This is a short and easily-accessibile introduction - two of its originators, David Holmgren and Su Dennett, talking about how they designed their house according to its principles:
The part of your comment which prompted the comparison was "... native plant species are easy. If you plant them in the right place, they will grow very easily and strongly with minimal care." This is one of the principles of permaculture - based on the land you have available (and it can be as small as a balcony off a flat) spend some time working our what works where based on your plot and plant that, rather than struggling to get something working where it doesn't belong.
I had a neighbour who did a permaculture front yard that was ridiculously beautiful, but unfortunately the tall grasses etc became a haven for rodents which caused problems for multiple neighbours.
Sometimes there are good reasons why a regular grass yard might be ok.
That's an example of part of the problem though. By originally cutting everything down and destroying the ecosystem, it pushed out the predators that would keep the rodents in check. We have rodents here for sure, but there are also foxes, coyotes, fisher cats, hawks, raccoons, bobcats, and owls.
I dont want coyotes and bobcats around my house. neither does anyone who has pets or livestock. There's a reason they were pushed out. We still have owls and other birds of prey. We have raccoons and they are annoying and can damage property.
I’m adjacent to a large natural area. We’ve got plenty of coyote and fox, hawk, owl and other predators.
The coyotes are pairing up for mating season, so they start to do crazy things like chase deer through my yard. During the rest of the year, when they tend to be solitary, they stay far far away from people and even mid-size dogs.
Get a fire pit and use it occasionally, and they’ll generally be pretty shy near your yard; its a smell nature has taught them to keep away from.
I live on the very outskirts of a mid sized city (1.1 million people) and we have tons of coyotes on the outskirts who wander into the city looking for dogs, rabbits, cats, etc every night.
Everyone who hears or sees coyotes multiple times a week is careful about things, but also aware that they are a risk to small animals.
If you're in the US, you may want to look at air rifles. They're not a firearm due to the lack of combustion, and you should be able to get some powerful enough to take down raccoons and other small game.
Vegetation can make an excellent screen against undesired views. A food hedge makes a great fence to screen over an ugly warehouse, bright street, vacant lot, or pesky neighbor.
You can also use some kind of structure, of course. Sometimes that will involve more rules, and some people just prefer using plants.
Ideally this should be part of a complete sector analysis, which also considers things like sun and wind direction.
Yeah, I also don't understand appeal of "just a square of land filled with immaculate lawn and not much else. It's essentially space wasted for nothing.
Agreed. I've heard manicured lawns described as deserts but that that is actually not fair to deserts, the implication being that deserts are a healthier ecosystem than manicured lawns.
I still have a lawn in the front and back covering parts of the property. I did plant non-native grass last fall. I'm not sure I'm happy about that from an ideal standpoint, but I chose grass that is very drought resistant and needs basically no maintenance and looks fine when allowed to grow taller. I mixed in some mini-clover, which is also non-native, but it's a new species that is supposed to make the grass even more drought tolerant, provides natural fertilization, and supports pollinators. We'll see how it goes. I also plan to not mow as much, although last year with the drought, I barely mowed at all. I don't use chemical fertilizers and used only natural fertilizers. I have heard this approach described as feeding the soil and not feeding the grass. One of the fertilizers I used showed some fungus growing on the grass, which I was happy about.
I hope to keep evolving things and reclaiming parts of the lawn that we never use or want. It's nice as you reclaim it with plants and trees, because it's decreasing maintenance burden.
I saw a comedy set a long time ago with a line to the effect “the lawn was brought to us by the same pretentious assholes who got beheaded during the French Revolution”.
Some of us like to have a bit of open lawn for outdoor activities that need some space. I've still got dozens of trees, shrubs, wildflowers and such, but there's an area of just grass that is really nice to have. I can't remember the last time I saw a lawn around here that didn't have a boatload of additional plants as well.
I assume this must happen in other parts of the country/world, or it's a meme.
If you want to go completely wild with your own back yard, I understand, but I don't see the appeal of that either.
> Yeah, I also don't understand appeal of "just a square of land filled with immaculate lawn and not much else. It's essentially space wasted for nothing.
The American custom of manicured lawns has always been quite incomprehensible to me. A lot of people in eastern Europe have dachas or live in SFH in suburbs but they tend to have some trees around the house for both comfort (provides shade in summer) and aesthetic reasons.
Agreed! I've been gradually replacing the invasive plants with native plants, and for the most part, native plants are doing really well. We have one side of the yard with bad soil from an ivy infestation, but with enough soil amendment, I think it'll be fine.
If you're in the bay area, is a great resource - you can tour gardens and find garden designers. also a great resource, plus the native nurseries like Oaktown and Watershed.
I think you're right about the natives and the 'right kind' of activity.
Native species, especially the ones at risk, are more likely to be specialists. And of course, they specialize in the native plants.
Invasive species, on the other hand, are more likely to be generalists. That's why they become invasive in the first place. And they'll be happy to visit those non-native plants.
The Nature Conservancy had a recent article in its magazine about the change in bloom time for many natives (based on temperature) and the difficulty that can cause for migrating birds and for animals (whose schedules may be based on length of day). For this reason, I am moving away from native-only to a more utilitarian approach. (And don't get me wrong, I have scores of native plants in my very small yard.) I am thinking more about native-nearby plants and plants that may feed wildlife at adjacent times. So maybe it's best to have several types of milkweed that bloom at different times, as someone else noted below.
I'm in the Midwest and I'll also note the adage that many of our natives follow "sleep, creep, leap". Year 1, you'll be like "damn is this stuff even growing, this sucks" and year 2 you'll say "well I guess it came back? maybe?" and year 3 you'll say "it's starting to look nice here!"
I'm also taking a slightly heterodox approach in that I am mixing in non-native edibles with glee (I've got at least 6 kinds of berry bush for instance, some native some not). The weight is still on natives, but I've been influenced by, who, Todd Hemenway?? who pointed out that the ecological impact of shipping berries from far-away lands is much worse than the ecological impact of having berry bush that's well-behaved and not native. Similarly, there are very few non-native plants I try to abolish anymore. Instead to the best of my ability I eat them. It is extraordinary how many plants can be eaten. From Japanese knotweed (cook it like rhubarb in sweets, or stir-fry) to hops to daisies (eat young like arugula) to garlic mustard (great pesto) to hostas (nice asparagus-like flavor when roasted or sautéed young). I'm not introducing these, not at all, but when they appear I don't get xenophobic, I get dinner. Which also sounds kind of creepy. But what I mean is that I'm not digging up my echinacea to use the roots medicinally; I don't have enough plants to do so sustainably yet -- but I sure am serving 6 linear feet worth of hostas at a dinner party.
Yup. It’s more about the connections the inhabitants of an ecosystem has to each other. Something that yields something edible or useful for humans is also a part of this.
Our role as humans is not some ideal, “untouched”, “pristine” Nature, as if human activity and design necessarily spoils Nature. I think a more sensible perspective is that humans are stewards of the land, and there are yields for humans and the non-human inhabitants. It’s that our civilization has been terrible stewards, not that we are incapable of being good stewards. We can care for the land and people, and still get our fair share.
Native plants and species are already suited to the area, so it is a great place to start.
What I am finding though, is that the main difference between an invasive species, and a native species that is vigorous, is that the native species has a lot of interactions with other species within the local biome. And invasive species does not, so runs unchecked without a predator, or does not provide any benefits for other species. If they did, they would be “native”. Over time, the biome will adapt, and interactions will start arising.
There very much are circumstances in which an invasive, resilient species is the right thing. For example, Jerome, Arizona, is an old copper mining town with a devastated ecosystem. Tailings from the copper mine poisoned the land. It’s at a steep incline, with severe erosion. Houses had been sliding off the slope.
When the mine shut down, and the population dropped to about 100 residents, fhe mayor at the time brought in an invasive tree called the Tree of Heaven to save the town. That mayor hired an aircraft to seed it all around Jerome. This tree is invasive, difficult to kill once established, drives out other species, and produces copious amount of seeds. Crucially, it can survive soil that has been poisoned by the mining tailing. It grows everywhere in Jerome — and holds what soil is there. This terrible, aggressive plant is helping to remediate a land trashed by human activity.
There are invasive plants and there are non-native plants and these things aren't necessarily the same. You do you with your yard but not everybody has to be so strict. There are plenty of non-native plants that have very low risk of becoming invasive which do a lot for biodiversity and are nice to look at.
I completely agree with most of your points. I have a spot in my garden where I want to plant a large native tree, probably an oak. I would love to plant all natives, except that they quickly get eaten by deer in my neighborhood. Even many "deer resistant" varieties like coneflower and beebalm. Of course, this make no sense, since deer and native plants should have evolved to survive beside one another. I think this contradiction is because the local deer population is just much much higher than the historical levels, since they have no natural predators here. My neighbors say they weren't a problem until recent decades. I was somewhat skeptical, except that I see many plant varieties thriving in the 2012 Google streetview shots that would not be feasible to grow today.
We have deer as well that keep eating certain plants. I am drawing a blank on which ones, but they kept growing back rather quickly. We are going to take into consideration this year and perhaps plant them in less convenient spots, more quantity, or something else when it comes to mind, like some sort of deer sprinkler project that targets them. Haha. Although it is quite annoying as they were eating two of my favorite plants I got last year, I'm not too bothered by it. I'm going to buy more and try what I mentioned above and see if it helps at all. They leave the milkweeds alone, probably for obvious reasons, and the milkweeds are the happening place for basically all the insects. It is crazy how popular they are. There are other plants they also leave alone. I think it's going to just be trial and error since they don't seem to like all the native plants, just some of them.
Yes you can. I did it last year after transplanting a 4' to 5' tree that needed time and space to grow. I see deer "evidence" all around outside the fence. But they can't get close enough to munch.
Are you sure? In some cities it is allowed. The city might say it is not allowed, but the state has different rules that overrule whatever the city says.
Of course you do still need to be safe in your hunting, and that can be tricky.
> planting only native plants . . . could be attracting non-regional and non-native species
Native plants do that, too. Invasive species thrive on that, in fact. Horticulture is more complicated than just "eating local." Ok, so a good diet is also more complicated than eating local.
> native plant species are easy
Absolutely! And if you're in a place that can flood or has droughts or sometimes has wild temperature spikes, those are plants that have adapted to the environment. They live through tough times that kill the plants that haven't adapted.
I've been using the "Seek" app for plan identification and I'm floored to the amount of overgrown ornamentals from Asia everywhere. It seems like landscapers love to put non-native exotic grasses, trees, and shrubs all over the place.
I don’t really understand the logic behind native only, beyond the desire not to introduce a plant or creature that would monopolize their environment.
What do you not understand about it? Just trying to address any specific questions you might have.
Here's some bullet points I've collected in my head. I'm not an expert and am still learning. See the links below. Planting native plants:
- reduces watering and fertilization needs, if not removing them, because native plants are built for the area they're planted in
- attracts native insects, which further attracts native predators like birds, mammals, and other insects. Non-native plants can attract a lot of activity, but it can be harmful to the overall ecosystem, as non-native pollinators are not evolved to interact with the regional ecosystems and are thus far less effective
- Non-native plants can not only monopolize the environment, but they can be highly detrimental to the soil, stripping it of nutrients
- Native plants are developed primarily locally and thus reduce emissions compared to having to ship around non-native plants everywhere to all the big box stores and nurseries
- Ecosystems contain individual species that evolved together. By replacing entire plant systems with non-native plants, you interrupt the system. This is not good because things get of whack. Things evolve but not in healthy ways, such as often encouraging non-native wildlife.
- Pollinators are extremely endangered but extremely important, not to just their local ecosystems but to humans as well. They are what allows our agriculture to be successful. It doesn't make any sense to smoke them out.
- Native plants are more efficient at carbon capture.
All of these things are partially true, but not fully.
Your yard is only rarely representative of the "natural" ecosystem that would otherwise exist. Generalist species may find your yard similar enough to thrive, but specialists (carnivorous plants are a popular example) likely will not even if they're native to the immediate area.
Non-natives can actually be even more efficient than natives at many things, including carbon capture. Prickly pear is a highly invasive example that outcompetes native crops with higher efficiency photosynthesis, huge adaptability to arid environments, and massive carbon capture potential due to its rapid growth rate.
Speaking of prickly pear, it's a native family in much of the western US, but it remains invasive in yards throughout that range because the ecological succession that would naturally control its reproduction takes decades and isn't allowed to occur. Don't plant it.
Your yard is a cultivated environment. Be cognizant of what you're planting and how it interacts. Natives are often a good choice, but there are perfectly valid reasons to plant non-natives or avoid certain natives.
> Honestly, the only reason to plant non-native plants is vanity.
That's a bit extreme. Planting a bit of herbs and veggies in my garden alongside the native forest on my land will neither destroy the local ecosystem nor is it for vanity (nobody can even see the plants but me and my family).
If you live on a small plot of land and you only have room for a few plants, then native is a good choice. I have acres and acres of untouched woodland on my property. A few bell pepper plants in my garden does no harm.
Thanks for your response. I’ll think on your points.
FWIW, In my area of the world I hear about non natives being bad but they often seem to grow very well, eg in the wild. So it seems to me that they are often well suited to the local environment. The concern then seems to me to be an implicit preference for what was already here over new comers. To me, seems a bit “anti immigrant” and I just can’t relate.
I definitely appreciate the point that we should avoid catastrophic decrease in diversity, and bringing in foreign plants could raise risk of that.
One point on top of the poster that I think also matters, especially if you want more people to get involved: aesthetics.
Any regions of the world people actually live have really beautiful natural plants that are often excluded from peoples yards just because it’s not what the builder has massive stockpile of. You can use local plants to make your property look distinctly and beautifully “of a place” and not some e.g generic American burb or “trying to imitate” some other place (palm trees in Seattle, im looking at you)
> FWIW, In my area of the world I hear about non natives being bad but they often seem to grow very well, eg in the wild. So it seems to me that they are often well suited to the local environment. The concern then seems to me to be an implicit preference for what was already here over new comers. To me, seems a bit “anti immigrant” and I just can’t relate.
This seems like a plot of some South Park episode or Onion news article TBH.
The rhetoric and tone around natives and non-natives can be problematic. However, the ability for a specific species to thrive isn't a really good index into the health and resilience of whole ecosystems. One of the reasons that non-native plants often thrive, sometimes at the expense of other native plants, is the relative lack of predation. I think it was only a week or so ago that there was a post on HN about how white-tailed deer are becoming a threat to native plants and a boon to non-native plants because (a) no natural predators to keep deer populations down and (b) deer generally prefer eating native plants.
Anecdotally, looking at the invasive Amur Honeysuckle on my property, its leaves remain pristinely green well into Fall, but by comparison, other comparable native plants have leaves eaten by insects, covered in molds, etc. There can be a competitive advantage to being the new plant on the block; but that competitive advantage is clearly at the expense of anything that relies on those native plants to live.
Generally however, invasive plants tend to be those that like to colonize disturbed areas, and they tend to be plants that are easy to grow (and so people like them). The greatest threat, imo, is the continued and ongoing disturbance of the land, and, the continued introduction of new non-native plants (primarily via the large commercial nurseries).
In my experience, it's multi-faceted. First, is the ease of integration. Native plants are, well, naturally better suited for your area. If you select a flower that grows natively in your area, it will be okay as long as you match the sun requirements. Second, they take less maintenance. Less water and little- to no-fertilizing, because they're already well suited to the climate and soil. Third, is that they are almost guaranteed not to be invasive. And finally, you don't have to worry about introducing anything toxic to the native fauna inadvertently. If it's toxic, they already do not eat it.
For me, it was that they are super easy to take care of, and thrive under conditions that would murder "standard" sorts of landscaping plants. I'm forgetful, and a watering schedule is just not an option for my poor, poor brain.
Many insects that are native to the area have co-evolved with the native plants. Which means that, non-native plants are not always the best fit for those insects. So planting native plants, usually means a plant better suited to live in that environment, but also, a plant that better benefits the native animal/insect life.
Native plants should grow well, but there are also many organisms around to fertilize them, prey on them, symbiose with them, eat their fallen leaves, and so on.
Everything else in the ecosystem from the microbes, fungi and insects up is native, so it seems obvious to me that the plants should be as well.
"beyond the desire not to introduce a plant or creature that would monopolize their environment"
That is reason enough to avoid non-natives and invasive species.
They reduce biodiversity making a habitat more brittle and boring. And they may spread beyond the bounds of your property, negatively affecting others.
As others have recommended, check out Douglas Tallamy's Bringing Nature Home. He's an entomologist and sets out a very clear connection between native plants, native insects, and the larger ecosystem.
I did this when I bought a house in Santa Cruz. Planted a bunch of natives, in particular bushes that flowered at different times of the year - ceanothus, manzanita, etc. I happily had bees and other insects around the yard almost all the time. It's worth doing.
Funny thing, monarch butterflies (and the caterpillars) seem to prefer the non-native Milkweed to the native variety.
In my yard, I didn't plant any milkweed but I found them growing on its own. Or at least, Google Lens told me it's milkweed. How do I know if they are native or not? How do I know if they are harmful or beneficial to the ice system, and whether I should remove them or let them grow? Where do you get this knowledge?
I use the app PictureThis ( and then supplement it by researching the online on various sites. I don't have any particular sites to offer offhand, as I'm still figuring everything out myself. Another thing I have considered is buying some books from local native plant societies and organizations. They publish books that contain pictures and information of regionally native plants. They also have plant sales every year, where they sell native plants that have been grown by themselves or by known third-parties.
In general, I have tried taking an additive approach. I have only removed plants that I knew for a fact, through the app and subsequent research, were non-native and particularly damaging.
Which milkweed did you plant? I find that our Monarchs love narrow-leaf milkweed but HATE showy milkweed. They have to be absolutely desperate to nibble on it. Both are technically native, but clearly one of them is tastier.
The milkweed that I planted is common milkweed and swamp milkweed. I find swamp milkweed to be prettier, but they both seem extremely popular and they seemed to bloom at different times, which is a nice benefit. (I'm not certain about the bloom times as I'm going only on a year's experience.)
> I am really hoping that all the milkweed we're planting brings more monarchs. Last year, we saw a couple.
The numbers went up a bit during Covid, surprisingly. I wish we could do something about the general downward trend, there are far, far fewer now than there were even 30 years ago.
this is great - more people should take this approach. Individual efforts like this might be enough to help native species hang on in face of government indifference. I'm reminded of that story of the survival of the Chinese Alligator, which I believe is mainly down to the efforts of a single woman who protected the nest sites which happened to be on her farm, and raised the hatchings beyond year 1 before release back to the wild. Every little bit matters!
During the process of buying our house, one of the disclosures was that the house has a huge inground swimming pool, but some aspect of the plumbing was broken, and nobody knew how much it might cost to repair. So, as-is.
Nobody in our house swims, and the costs of repairing and running the pool would be excessive. At first I thought about having it drained and either removed or converted to some kind of outbuilding space. Then it occurred to me, I shouldn't just dispose of a water-bearing structure! The thing is engineered to safely contain thousands of gallons! We kept it. The pool hadn't been used in several years prior to the sale of the house, which was perfect because the chlorination had long since evaporated. Thus a readymade freshwater pond.
I started adding native plants and sheltering areas to the shallow end. Frogs were already in residence for mating season but now several species live there full time. Tons of insects: backswimmers, water skimmers, caddisfly, mayfly, damselfly and dragonfly larvae, bladder snails, giant water beetles. Ducks and herons visit. Purple martins and flycatchers hang out at dusk.
People often ask about mosquito control, and so far it hasn't been an issue. I believe this is due to a combination of the water depth (mosquitos prefer very shallow and still water like puddles), circulation speed, and predation of the mosquito larvae by everyone else. Because there are marginal plants, predatory insects can transition from their aquatic larval stage to adulthood (they need stalks to climb up out of the water).
The pond has become one of the great joys of my life--seeing the seasons change through the lifecycles of the species, watching bees forage on pickerel rush flowers, hearing frogs sing at night.
Yeah if you get a sufficiently thriving ecosystem going mosquito control deals with itself. But, especially if you live anywhere near the tropics or subtropics, I'd make sure to keep updated on West Nile Virus and other less common ones like dengue, zika, etc
I spent part of my childhood in rural Japan and during the summers would fall asleep to the sound of hundreds of frogs croaking in the rice paddies. It was a great lullaby for me, it sounds like a great thing to have in your backyard!
Tell that to folks in the Big Island of Hawaii that understand "coqui" frogs (given the sound) as pests that have overwhelmed the whole ecosystem. They are REALLY loud and cankerous, especially every night
I made a bubble pump, but it's still very much a work in progress. A lot of the circulation is just "traffic" of all the little dudes swimming around. I recommend watching some of David Pagan Butler's videos on organic pools.
I've always had a dream to buy a plot of land and homestead. But I have family that is getting older and needs my help more often. The though of being far away from essential services like Hospitals is not ideal. Also I'm still too early in my career to make that move.
So, more recently I've been thinking of an idea I call "urban homesteading", which is just based off the idea of not waiting until the perfect circumstances to start something. Nothing about living in the suburbs prevents me from doing like 80% of what I would do homesteading. I can still...
1. Can/Preserve/Dehydrate/Vacuum seal Food
2. Build up a supply of essential non perishable food
3. Grow food I can eat in a garden
4. Build things with the materials I have instead of buying them
5. Fix and repair old stuff I have instead of buying new stuff
6. Reduce my reliance on City Water, Electricity, Gas, while still enjoying the benefits
Sure I might not have the most space or privacy having neighbors on all sides but so what. I don't have a big backyard, but I don't really need one as there is a large park 3 minutes from my front door that I can walk to. Other than enough space for a small deck and grill I can devote the rest of my backyard to a garden. I'm slowly building up towards this, but I'm starting slowly so that it isn't overwhelming
I'm all for this, and I too have been attempting this at various levels. However, the one thing that I have come to respect is that farming to be self sustainable is capital H hard. To grow enough to sustain just you and your family means a much larger plot would be required than I originally appreciated. Weather is a huge factor on whether your plants will yield enough, and it is something absolutely out of your control. After that, you have pest control from insects to animals. The more effective you want to be about those just increases the costs of everything.
I've considered turning part of my yard into a larger garden plot, but since it's a rental, it's hard to want to expend the effort. So I've stuck with container gardening with a few raised beds.
I haven't quite gone the level of canning (not enough yield for that), but I have been drying the herbs I grow. This winter was the first time that I've used them for soups, and will be doing this at a larger volume this year.
I posted this on another comment, but you might be interested in permaculture, where ease of maintenance is key within a context of sustainable living. These are two of its originators talking about how they set up their plot, in a relatively built-up part of Victoria in Australia: I find it incredibly inspiring.
My wife and I did something like this for a while (before moving out of town to a more traditional farmstead last year). You won't be able to grow all of your own meat or grain, but you can fit a ton of tomatoes, peppers, squash, etc. in a city lot. We're on track for our canned tomatoes to make it through to next harvest from a poorly managed ~200 square foot plot for example. We ran out of frozen peppers and onions recently, but those had a rough start since we moved in in June so they had a late start.
We were also allowed to keep up to 6 hens which were enough to keep two people in eggs and provided excellent compost.
> We were also allowed to keep up to 6 hens which were enough to keep two people in eggs and provided excellent compost.
About how many eggs per week or month was that producing? We're allowed a certain amount of chickens, and I have considered it. What was the maintenance like?
We got about 4 eggs a day ~10 months a year. Though that does drop off as birds get older.
We had a ~8'x12' fully enclosed run that they got locked in at night since we had surprisingly bad predator issues for being in town. That just meant open the door to give them the run of the (fenced) yard during the day and close it again before bed. They had enough space that they could stay in their run if we were out of town for a day or two.
We used a big PVC gravity feed system for food and poultry cups for water so just had to check that once a week or so.
Whenever the run started smelling, we'd add a layer of mulch or straw in the bottom - maybe once a month.
I had an instructor once who advised younger folks who were not ready to buy land to spend some money on really good gardening tools.
I see you mentioned gardening. You can also get a plot in a community garden in some towns, or volunteer on a CSA farm, which gives you some food growing capacity (and grows your skills).
Depending what metro you live near, are you sure you couldn’t live close enough to a few times a year hospital visit in the exurbs or a rural area not too far from a highway ?
That's hilarious. Like what you said, that's really amazing about how small changes propagate. It's crazy how wildlife finds stuff. They know what they're doing.
When I made one 8x2.5 high density raised bed on my stoop in Philly, I got: Birds, squirrels, butterflies, moths, wasps, caterpillars, praying mantis, aphids, worms, grubs, ants, ladybugs, bees, and more. I grew tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers, basil, thyme, oregano, lavender, bee balm, broccoli, lettuce mix, and beans, and had ornamenral flowers to attract pollinators.
I'd set up a chair and just watch like it was the nature channel. Every time a bee would come visit, I would rejoice. The whole city melted away and I was plunged into a tiny living ecosystem. Absolutely the best investment I've ever made for my quality of life.
When I bought a place in the LA area, the house had neatly trimmed lawns and flowers planted with perfect spacing around the borders in both the front and back yards.
Over the past twenty years, it's been converted into a wild, exuberant mix of flowers, fruit trees, and native plants. We do irrigate with drip-lines. We have a lot of butterfly host plants, and it is now a veritable Disney-film-happy-place filled with birds and bees and butterflies (and aphids and spiders and salamanders).
There are a few chairs and benches scattered around, and I sit outside and read or code on pleasant days. I spend a lot of time taking macro photos of bugs and flowers.
Several of our neighbors loathe us, saying that our yard is a mess and lowers property values. Their pesticide-ridden lawns are perfectly green, even in the Summer, and they are only ever outside to instruct their gardeners where to direct the leaf blowers.
Most people walking by are enchanted by the wildness and the animal life. Kids, particularly, are thrilled when they see the butterflies, or get to pick cherry-tomatoes or berries off the vines.
I suggest to add a bee home (bee house, bee hotel) to your garden. It is simple, last several years, it can be as small as a bird house, and can be a fun weekend project with the kids. (It can also be purchased.)
Please, do not get honey bees, unless willing to take care of them - just like with any animal husbandry. I love them, I am a beek, but I find too many abandoned or swarms from people who bought into the idea that they need to save the world through bee hives. Just resist the urge, unless you have time and willingness to do proper beekeeping.
Instead of putting my fall leaves on the curb for pickup, I used them to smother the grass where I wanted to plant a vegetable garden. I saw way more bumblebees the next year and occasionally caught them burrowing into the leaves. Just letting things be a bit messier goes a long way.
So the idea with the bee home is the bees come to me? As opposed to me buying honeybees and a hive? I'm asking out of genuine ignorance not trolling, as I'd love to have bees by my planter box, but I don't have the time to be a bee keeper and and don't want to kill the little guys.
Yes, in general. (Appreciate the honest question.)
Bee homes [0] are basically a bird house with a bunch of small reeds or pipes where several native species can nest. It provides home for several American native bees. It is primarily for solitary bees It does not work for all, but it does help. After all, there are about 20,000 bee species and nearly 4,000 are in North America!
Bee homes do require some cleaning as the cocoons will be left behind in the reeds if you are successful. You will have to replace the reeds, or clean them out (bottle cleaner, or toothbrush works).
Honey bees (Apis mellifera), sometimes referred to as European or western honey bee is not native to the Americas, although they are well established now. They were introduced in the 17th century.
I am not familiar with solitary hornets (genus vespa) that build in bee homes. They build hives and depend on each other. The bee homes do not make a good living space for them.
Cicada killers are solitary, but they build in sandy soil. European hornets also nest in the ground; same with digger wasps, and mud daubers. The bald-faced hornet is a wasp and build their paper nest, similar to yellowjackets.
Definitely. In North America, honey bees are non-native, invasive species. If you want to help the bee population, pick a species native for your area.
Any advice on how to get rid of feral honeybees? I had hundreds of them last year, attracted to my hummingbird feeders. I took those away and the bees stuck around waiting for them to reappear. They're completely docile, but also non-native, and the huge number of them makes them a pest.
They've even been around a bit this winter taking pieces of cracked corn that I put out for wild turkeys.
Any suggestions for a quality supplier? The only bee house from Home Depot has a one-star review (scroll down) from a biologist who seems to know her stuff:
Weird question, but if you encourage bees to come through these methods, how prevalent are they? I like the idea of doing this, but I also have a young child and am somewhat allergic to bee stings myself and wouldn't want my yard to become overrun with bees.
For the love of all that is good, not worth a trip to ER. That kind of emergency usually happens when least expected, and the epinephrine is on the other side of the farm, and need 15 minute ride.
Personal experience, solitary bees (and honey bees in general) - the key word here is bees, NOT wasps - are gentle. I regularly play with bubble bees and show my progeny how to treat them.
But, that implies that you can identify a bee from a wasp.
Take a look at some of the comparison images and you will get the gist [0]. Drunk yellowjackets are the worst.
Thanks so much for suggesting this - fits me perfectly. Have always wanted to do something for bees and with bees, but know I wouldn't commit to taking care of them as needed. Going to get this going next weekend!
+1 for adding in bee hotels to promote those solitary bees!
equally easy (but a little uglier) is to always remember not to cut back your native plants over winter! Native solitary bees love to lay their eggs in hollowed out plant stems!
Exactly, better have some sweat fruit trees (figs, persimmons, apricots, ...) and other wild pollinators (wild bees, wasps, butterflies, .. even ants pollinate)
There's was a story in Smithsonian magazine a few years ago ( about an ecologist who more or less did what this article proposes, increasing the biodiversity in his backyard. He called his project a "Homegrown National Park".
Tallamy's Suggestions:
1. Shrink your lawn (replace grass with plants that create habitat)
2. Remove invasive plants (native plants support more animal biodiversity)
3. Create no-mow zones around trees (accommodates insect life cycle)
4. Equip outdoor lights with motion sensors (lights can disturb animal behavior)
We replaced our front yard with native plants and I love it. Plan to do this with my back yard as soon as I can afford it. I specifically chose a house in a part of our city with no HOA because I don't ever want to go back to monoculture of grass. Such a waste of space.
I did this last year and it was incredibly satisfying. If I amrunning errands and near a nursery I'll stop by and get a new plant or two. Slowly filling it in and watching all the nature is nice.
Our back yard is about 4x bigger, but I'll be tackling that shortly too! Our neighborhood is a mix of lawns, manicured landscaping, and natural gardens. Lawns are slowly becoming less frequent.
I wrote a book about my experience taking my concrete filled back yard to one full of life over the pandemic! Gardening in an urban setting presents unique challenges but it's super rewarding!
Planting native plants is very rewarding, and you don't need a lot of space to do it, either.
The only space for greenery in our condo, located in a major urban center, is a small strip of mud at the side of the building. A few years ago I seeded it with native plants, and they grew spectacularly. Spring through fall we have colorful native flowers that attract a huge amount of bees of various species, butterflies, and other pollinators - in the middle of a giant city!
It's a great feeling to step outside and see flowers and greenery that belong, covered in busy life that was never there before! You don't need a lot of space, and you can do it in a city too.
Personally, I like to plant as many different types of fruit trees, fruit vines and berries as I can and as much diversity as I can. But, I find sticking just to natives is kinda limiting. It's nice to prefer natives but I wouldn't be too religious about it.
Just ensure that what non-native you do get is not an invasive species. There are websites you can check if the type of plant you are looking to plant is considered invasive or not. After learning about this, I was surprised by the number of invasive plants being sold at nurseries. I've learned which local nurseries are more trustworthy of being able to trust any plant they are offering.
Most regions do have tens of fruits and berries to choose from but some are hard to find. I don’t think most Apple or raspberry or peach trees are invasive so it’s not really that big of a deal to get some you like
Around me there’s a (non-native) pear tree (Prunus calleryana) which is the primary tree in old neglected fields with poor soil. I wouldn’t mind if it bore edible fruit, but alas those hard little pears are astringent to the point of being painful. The Eleagnus umbellata I don’t mind however, as they build the soil and the berries are delicious and produced in copious amounts. The bear like them, too.
Semi related, but I firmly believe everyone with a yard should have chickens. 4 chickens can feed a family with more eggs than they'll ever need, you'll almost never throw food scraps out again, and you'll keep harmful methane producing waste out of landfills.
I concur wholly. We have wanted to do this forever and last year bought 5 acres on the edge of town. We are now up to 28 chickens (26 hens, 2 roosters) and run a small egg CSA. It’s been amazing for reducing food waste, yielding high quality compost, enjoyment for us and our kids and people walking by, a small step toward local food resiliency, and it earns a tiny profit. We’ve just ordered another 40 day olds for delivery in a few weeks, and are plotting to get some ducks too.
i had an across the street neighbor in Dallas that basically had a mini-farm in their backyard. An actual "up at 5 to milk the goats, feed, and eggs before work" type farm. I did enough of that in HS growing up in the sticks with odd jobs at dairies, elevators, and other farm type work. No thanks, dues are paid :)
When starting my medicinal herb garden I created a spreadsheet to compute a score for each species I was considering, taking food and medicinal value plus native/invasive/non-invasive alien into account.
One thing to keep in mind is, a plant can be invasive in one region, but totally harmless in another. Just because it is a problem in Florida doesn’t mean you must avoid it in Vermont.
I don’t have the privilege of a backyard but I’ve been doing square foot gardening on my balcony for about 3 years.
Have been using Merlin Bird ID to track birds that have visited the garden + bird feeder. I have so far logged 23 species which took me by surprise. The number of insects and birds visiting regularly is truly humbling, anecdotal but the premise of the article certainly rings true to me.
I prob have 20 kinds of weeds, 20 native species of plant. I've had whitetail deer, eastern red fox, river otter, snapping turtles, box turtles, muskrat, brown rat, bald eagle, turkey vulture, black vulture, crow, osprey, blue heron, white heron, green heron, snowy egret, redtail hawk, sparrow hawk, tons of songbirds, racoon, possum, black squirrel, grey squirrel, chipmunk, multiple water snake species, rough green snake, ring-tail snake, black racer, milk snake, worm snake, blue-belly skinks, toads, frogs, eels, blue crabs, sand crabs, horseshoe crabs, shrimp, oysters, clams, multiple species of jellyfish, rays, skates, pipefish, striped bass, catfish, crappie, bluefish,... I'm pretty sure I've missed several.
Where should I start to become biodiverse?
Funny that these ideas are still making "news". I feel like I'm surrounded with people who figured out a long while ago that human's are and have always been necessary to the health of our ecosystems. Our current sad state of affairs is caused not by human intervention, but by human neglect of our relatives on this planet.
99% of human cultures have been gardeners, cultivating land to increase diversity, energy, and abundance. Colonization fucked that up on a worldwide scale, and created this new narrative of humans in opposition to Earth.
I've been working with a partner to change that by connecting people to urban gardens where they can see "human care of Earth" in action. Its called . Check it out.
This is more about community urban gardens than backyard habitats, which are different on several dimensions, such as tree cover, water access, and sunlight. Nevertheless it dovetails nicely with a discussion late last year, "I built a wildlife pond" (
Even man-made habitats which incorporate plants and features that are amenable to plant and animal life will flourish, and attract animals that its creators never envisioned whether it's bees looking for flowers or mammals drinking at the pond.
My wife puts a lot of effort into this type of thing. She reads about declining species in Ireland - butterflies, moths, birds in particular - and plants weeds, wildflowers and bushes that they live on. It's almost like magic, or Minecraft, that we suddenly have goldfinches, cinnabar butterflies (and their lovely caterpillars) and lots of amazing moths that we've never seen before. How did they find out about those weeds so quickly? It's like they got auto-generated by the system.
These are similar in design to the bee/insect hotels you find, but build as a brick, with the holes facing out, allowing insects a place to nest, and to fight the loss of bee populations.
>Turn your backyard into a biodiversity hotspot
I did.
Fucking gangster father-in-law came and mowed the lot down...12ft+ to 3" in less than a couple of hours. Fair play to the dude - he thought I was un- able/ willing to do the chopping. When he got it that I wanted it all to grow he was very, very apologetic, and from thereon, did so.
Neighbors hated me.
Living in the Bay Area, I adore the tall grasses growing on the eastern foothills - you get a nice close-up taking e.g. I-680 to Livermore - and would love to replace much of my yard with the native grasses, but I don't even know where to begin in identifying what species they are, and where to get seed.
I saw an awesome video of someone doing something like this at their property . I was really impressed with how much the local ecosystem took to it, so rapidly
I’m glad to see these ideas starting to get into the mainstream.
From homeowners opting out of monospecies lawns, to people apply permaculture design to urban spaces, to guerilla gardeners reclaiming abandoned urban wastelands, there are a lot of practical ideas around.
I don't think the spores that you are cultivating in your fridge would necessarily qualify as native plant species. that's more of a science experiment
city gardens things make no sense (when it comes to eating said items). Soil in cities can become contaminated by various pollutants such as heavy metals, pesticides, industrial chemicals, and automobile exhaust. These contaminants can have harmful effects on human health and the environment.
I'm in favor of gardens, but eating the food? gosh that's a bad idea
I sort of disagree with the article though. I think one should actually take a relatively hardline approach to planting only native plants. Just because you have a lot of activity around a plant doesn't mean it's the right activity. You could be attracting non-regional and non-native species which is generating the activity.
And honestly, native plant species are easy. If you plant them in the right place, they will grow very easily and strongly with minimal care. Then you can collect their seeds. I am really hoping that all the milkweed we're planting brings more monarchs. Last year, we saw a couple.
I like Douglas Tallamy's books Bringing Nature Home and Nature's Best Hope.