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No writeup. Sad!

chatgpt summary of the transcript, probably doesnt need a full writeup.

  The author discusses the concept of using video games as a model for effective studying. Video games have well-defined storylines and goals, as well as clear feedback on progress and areas for improvement, which motivates players to keep playing. By implementing these aspects into studying, such as tracking progress and creating clear objectives, students can experience the same sense of motivation and accomplishment. Additionally, video games are low-risk and high-reward, which can also be applied to studying by removing the fear of failure and creating a safe space to learn and experiment. Overall, the author suggests that by incorporating these video game elements into studying, students can increase their motivation, productivity, and enjoyment of the learning process.

Chatgpt can watch & parse videos??

From the first paragraph:

> chatgpt summary of the transcript

tldr: gamification works

In mice. Well truthfully it only works on some people.

I personally enjoy it. And it makes me play the actual games less. You get to have more enjoyment in other more productive works (for example cooking healthy meals).

What doesn't work in mice at this point?

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