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Tell me you use Hacker News without telling me you use it hahahaha.

But seriously, I'm not sure of any kind of material like this for Rust, but I believe that's because it's simply not needed since we already have "the book" [0], rustlings [1], and rust by example [2]. Honestly, learning Rust is just absurdly simple and straightforward if you have the motivation to do so, these guides are so good I don't see much of a good reason to develop different ones.

[0]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/

[1]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rustlings/

[2]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/rust-by-example/

As someone who helped write one of those guides… I would encourage people to write even more. Different texts can help different people. The more the merrier!

This is exactly what I have found. You can find 10+ guides on networking and usually it's 1 chapter from this author, 1 from this author, 2 from over here... the perspectives or writing styles collage together to present me with the thing that helps the material "click". Enough exposure and you become capable :)

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