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1978 Basic Super Star Trek Game Meets 25th Anniversary (emabolo.itch.io)
40 points by erickhill on Feb 25, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Thank you! I hope you liked my little game

Wow, so cool. Brings back so many memories. This is a way better version. Torpedo targeting was such a drag in the original. I love the new targeting bar.

I can't remember, were you able to destroy a starbase in the original? (I thought you could in the spirit of screwing yourself, but I don't recall an instant death or other repercussions.)

In this new version, I got into a battle with a Klingon in the same sector as a starbase, and fired off a torpedo ("accidentally") at the starbase to see what happens. It simply says you missed.

Yes you are right. You can actually destroy a starbase with a torpedo in the original game. I didn’t port this ‘feature’, since I could not imagine Kirk & crew destroy a starbase. But I should handle the case you just described in a better way

I was just playing the original AppleTrek on archive a month ago.

Man that interface was not good. I had so much more patience as a bored kid. The key is computer-storing a move and then firing a torp manually (computing the angle I didn't know how to do until trig).

The best was suckering them into firing at themselves.


I remember downloading the “EGA Trek” version of this back in the day, a version with enhanced EGA graphics

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