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Some People on Ozempic Lose the Desire to Drink. Scientists Are Asking Why (nytimes.com)
26 points by gnicholas on Feb 24, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Keto also makes one lose the desire to drink, for many people. Alcohol is processed by the body as a source of calories, as well as like a drug. I don't know what the connection is, but it seems there are some switches being flipped when the body is under these different conditions.

I would assume if a drug made you want to eat less, and you had less cravings for sugar -> less cravings for booze

I saw something about people who dont drink alcohol usually indulge in sugary sodas or juices.

Were all just craving sugar! Some more than others

Moderate/higher dose of Gabapentin is well-known to also cause a loss of desire to drink. Basically you can still drink, you just don't enjoy it nearly as much. Kudzu extract does this as well. Article is pretty terrible, but it is somewhat still an open question why both Gabapentin/kudzu reduce the enjoyment/want of alcohol

Desire to Drink [Alcohol]. I thought they were losing the desire to drink anything based on the headline.

This title is bad overall. For me it was unclear if it is alcohol and that Ozempic is a drug.

So I thought that perhaps people on some island called Ozempic lose desire to drink - water would be sensational, alcohol interesting.

So had to click the link.

It’s made me crave alcohol, oddly enough. Doesn’t happen during weeks I don’t take the shot.

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