> The Catholic church has perverted the gospel in many ways
Whichever side of Catholic-Protestant disputes is a perversion, we can avoid inventing false ones as a slander. (The Decalogue, as I recall, has something to say about that.)
> Salvation by works, condemned in the Bible
The Catholic Church does not believe in justification by works but that works are the fruit of justification; for a rather more thorough explanation, see, the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification By the Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic Church. [0]
(aside - Lost Christianities: The Battles for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew is an interesting book. There were arguments and heresies and divisions in the early church between the Gnostic and proto-orthodox (and other) branches that played out in the scriptures, forgeries, and later edits to each)
-Infant baptism, not found in the Bible
-Baptism by sprinkling, not found in the Bible
-Celibacy for church leaders, not found in the Bible
-Salvation by works, condemned in the Bible
-Mother Mary worship, condemned in the Bible
-Worship in front of statues, condemned in the Bible
-Opulence and extravagance in the church, condemned in the Bible
-Praying to anyone but God, not found in the Bible
I could go on...