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A generation of high-profile women tech leaders have stepped aside. What’s next? (cnn.com)
2 points by rntn on Feb 24, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I wonder how much of this is women CEOs realizing that after a few 10s of millions in the bank, you’re basically set for life. The rest is just “keeping score” and perhaps men are much more interested in this “running up the score” aspect so they either want to stay on as a top executive as long as possible or jump from executive position to executive position.

Not to say there isn’t any sexism involved at all, but to me it seems like bowing completely out of the rat race after a few years and $200 million dollars is the logical move, and there’s just a lot more illogical men.

> male-dominated “bro-culture.”

That was and is completely fine and never excluded women. On the contrary, I think these people weren't really representative to people in tech. They just jumped onto successful companies in a management position.

Doesn't mean they were bad or worse or anything, but it also didn't matter that they were women. Maybe that is something special for CNN, it seems to be the case.

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