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If only the story was better [1]: to think that humans have interstellar travelling and mind transfer but apparently they must kill some primitive tribes for some goo MacGuffin which grants immortality (?), ChatGPT could have written a better story [2].

[1] https://geohot.github.io/blog/jekyll/update/2022/12/27/avata...

[2] ---

prompt: write a short story where humans have interstellar travelling and mind transfer

ChatGPT: >>>

In the year 2205, humanity had achieved what was once thought impossible: interstellar travel. They had discovered ways to fold space and time, allowing them to travel to distant planets and even other galaxies. But their greatest achievement was something else entirely: the ability to transfer human consciousness from one body to another.

It was a breakthrough that had been decades in the making, but finally, it had become a reality. People could now leave their physical bodies behind and travel the universe as digital beings. They could inhabit the bodies of robots, or even other humans, in different parts of the galaxy. It was a strange and exhilarating time, and the possibilities seemed endless.

One such person was a man named John. He had been a scientist his whole life, and he was fascinated by the idea of brain transfer. He had always believed that consciousness was more than just a product of the brain, that it was something separate and eternal. And now, with the ability to transfer his mind from one body to another, he felt like he was on the verge of discovering the ultimate truth.

One day, John decided to take a journey across the galaxy. He transferred his mind into the body of a sleek, metallic robot and set off into the void. As he traveled through space, he marveled at the wonders he saw. He visited planets with exotic landscapes, met alien beings of all shapes and sizes, and even witnessed the birth of a star.

But then, something unexpected happened. As he was exploring a distant planet, his robot body was destroyed in a freak accident. John's consciousness was left floating in the void of space, unable to find a new host.

For a while, he felt lost and alone, adrift in the emptiness of the universe. But then, something remarkable happened. He began to feel a sense of freedom he had never felt before. He was no longer tied to a physical body, no longer limited by the constraints of biology.

John realized that he had been wrong all along. Consciousness wasn't something that existed outside of the brain, it was something that was intimately tied to it. And in that moment, he knew that he had found the ultimate truth he had been searching for.

So he remained in the void of space, content in his newfound freedom. He watched as stars were born and died, and marveled at the infinite beauty of the universe. And even though he was alone, he knew that he was never truly alone, for he was part of something much larger than himself.



Self-contradictory. "John's consciousness was left floating in the void of space" and "Consciousness wasn't something that existed outside of the brain".

Easily fixed with a sentence or so about his revelation that the universe itself was the substrate (brain) on which consciousness ran.

But yeah, this is what we expect from bullshit generators. Actually this is better than most.

Well, didn't say it would make sense, just a better story, haha.

If anyone wants to spend some time in a universe like this, I can suggest the fantastic "Know Evil" campaign of the eclipse phase system from the roleplayingpublicradio podcast. [1]

[1] https://actualplay.roleplayingpublicradio.com/know-evil-an-e...

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