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Journals should enforce non-clickbait titles. "Mind control" and "cyborgs" are not scientific terms. Just as how "sentience when embodied" is new age mumbo jumbo. I am certain that the reviewers asked for a title change, but some authors love the clickbait. Maybe it gets them more refs?

I don't see the problem with the language here, the rats are indeed cyborgs (just like humans with pacemakers) and humans are actually engaging in mind control here.

I think cyborg is a perfectly fine scientific term used in multiple papers, why makes you not like it?



i dont think it's scientific at all, does my dental filling make me a cyborg and where is that line crossed. And then u have what is 'mind control', what is 'mind'

That many paper titles use it does not mean it's a common scientific term. This is context-dependent, could be ok in an opinion or philosophy paper, but in an experimenal paper about locomotion control via brain-machine interfaces it s just unacceptable imo

>and where is that line crossed

Plenty of categories have fuzzy lines. When exactly does a color stop being orange and become red?

So if it's context dependent and many papers located in science use it. Then it seems pretty reasonable to call it a scientific term.

If it wouldn't be context dependent I wonder how science got to use the words like "transformer", "quark", "entropy" and so on..

What is a cyborg is pretty fuzzy, but I think that a brain implant that controls your actions pretty much qualifies


> 'mind control', what is 'mind'

Are you serious? Scientific papers can't talk about "mind" now?

Not in neuroscience

I always assumed a cyborg is a mechanically assisted biological being, while a machine controlled biological body is the opposite of a cyborg, a psychotron.

One source for this philosophical and semantic argument is Megadeth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qvm-pLDxMI

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