Then why would you imagine parents tell their kids that life is "fucking horrible", instead of telling them that life is "plenty happy"? Like, everything you describe, you have or will go through as well, and apparently you don't find it to be "shit. Absolute shit".
Sure, there’s plenty of reasons to not have kids, I do get that. But “I’m happy with life but I think that everyone else’s is horrible misery” is an odd position to hold.
When did I ever say that? I don't care about others' lives, it's none of my business.
I find life, as far as I experience it, to be overall horrible. I'm plenty happy regardless, but it's nonetheless not something I'm interested in foisting onto my hypothetical kids.
> not something I'm interested in foisting onto my hypothetical kids
Nor is anyone asking you to. Just, don't go around assuming that parents tell their kids that "life is, on average, fucking horrible"—instead, they show their kids how to be happy, like you are.
I'm plenty happy living my life as I see fit, and I don't see marriage as a potential addition to that happiness. It's as simple as that.