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I tried to use new.reddit because it is the only thing working, why is it that when I'm reading comments that 50% of my 1440p screen is just black background on the left & right? You can kind of fix the front page by putting it into "Compact" view, but the comment section has nothing akin to that.

This is such a usability disaster relative to old.reddit, and it hasn't been fixed for years. Who is this for? I still remember when Reddit had one of the best mobile websites, before they had an official app and then mysteriously the mobile site started to lose previously working functionality.

At a strategic level, surely the website is bad in order to drive people to the mobile apps. Simple enough.

But I wonder how this result was actually accomplished - are there Reddit developers deliberately adding JS bloat so scrolling is choppy? Are there KPIs that pages must not load in under N seconds or videos must not play successfully more than N% of the time? It's bad enough that it can't be an accident. I'd love to interview one of the devs of the new UI.

Ye ... I mean so called dark patterns are so common nowadays that it would not suprise me at all if they made the website shitty on purpuse.

It is like login in to Gmail on a new computer. It has some 2fa that begs for my phone number and the other options just don't work half the time.

I'm fairly sure this is some "design paradigm" or something. I've complained about it for years but I've never heard it described by anyone as an "issue" that's going to be fixed, as much as "a design some old people don't like".

I think the paradigm is called “use a ton of javascript to do something really simple”

Another "single page app" design that is slower than the thing it replaced.

I didn't even think of using new.reddit.com when old had trouble! I used the API and that worked fine. I'll have to keep the new.reddit.com trick handy in case it is needed sometime.

its for kids who think there phone is there only computer an jus trynna see memes doring class

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