If Congress passed, and the President signed, a law declaring all immigration legal, would you support that? It would "end illegal immigration" after all
Sure, just like how we can end racial disparities in gifted/honors academic programs by getting rid of the programs themselves, right? Reframe the issue and it just disappears!
Doesn’t matter how it’s treated. People get lured here, have their visas taken from them (sometimes to “pay debt”), and now they’re slaves who will be treated as illegal immigrants and arrested if they go to the police. Problem entirely of our own making.
If the police are breaking the law then that's another issues. The TVPA gives visas to human trafficking victims and VAWA gives you residency for saying the magic words that your lover/pimp/whatever has abused you.
Shame Republicans didn't pass comprehensive immigration reform when they had control of both houses under the former administration eh? The president promised a "one-time payment" [1] from Mexico to pay for a border wall believe it or not!