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Personally I find it very interesting that a $20 restaurant meal might only be netting $1 to the owner. Makes me feel like going out isn’t actually that bad of a deal.

Lots of retail businesses have less than 5% profit margin. Even insurance companies, including health insurance, have less than 5% profit margins.

Well I do wonder about the exec compensation at insurance companies though. 5% profit but mega million compensation packages…

Why would insurance company executives have any more (or less) negotiating power than any other similar sized business?

Cursory look at insurance company executive pay does not show any anomalies.

Nb. health insurance profit margins are now capped, in the US.

At 15% to 20%. So smaller profit margins indicate downward pressure on pricing from competitors.

Well, in point of fact, the limit is actually a mandate on how much they must spend on medical care. Their own operating expenses, salaries, advertising, et c., have to come out after that. So they could theoretically make 15% under that limit—except in practice that's actually impossible. Which means margins aren't necessarily 5% because of competition.

[EDIT] That is, I'm skeptical that if one removed that limit, competition would keep margins where they are. Forcing all profit to come out of 15% of revenue probably does play a major role in keeping the actual margin as low as it is.

It also encourages healthcare price increases, since the best way for them to increase profits becomes increasing revenues, rather than reducing costs

The fact that they settle for sub 5% profit margins means they individually do not have the pricing power to do that. Clearly, a competing insurance company will steal business via lower premiums.

I suppose one could assert they are all in cahoots and have a secret deal to accept low single digit profit margins to keep out of the news cycle, while simultaneously agreeing to pay healthcare providers more and more each year, but I would want proof.

A lot more of it goes to the landowner in the form of rent. It could be around 25-35%.

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