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“Which” Command Deprecated (lwn.net)
6 points by LeoPanthera on Feb 20, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

From 2021. Ends with:

In the resulting voting, two of the members (Bremner and Elana Hashman) voted for the resolution without the removal of the deprecation warning; all other members were in favor of the whole thing. The resolution thus passed, Adams has been overridden, and which stays within debianutils — without the warning — for now. Assuming that a home for which (and tempfile) can be found in another essential package, though, the path is clear for them to transition out of debianutils before the Debian 12 release.

Does anyone know if there has been more news on this front since? I'm not a Debian user (not directly anyway) and haven't been following the story.

> surely no one competent would choose to have a package depend on `which` when a standard POSIX utility can do a better job

I already knew I was incompetent, but I didn't know I was also incompetent in this particular instance, this article is the first time I even learn of "command -v" which totally seems easier and more convenient..

One could always put

    alias which='command -v'
in their .bashrc or wherever they keep their aliases.

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