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I am learning MobX State tree, and using the references to objects in a tree, with normalisation (ensuring you don't have duplicates in the tree, etc). It's impossible not to think that state management is getting closer and closer to client databases for more complex apps.

I'm really hoping WebAssembly will finally bridge the backend and the frontend data structures seamlessly, because right now we are getting to the point of keeping 2 separate data schemas, which is a huge waste of effort.

Being able to have storage and network transparent business logic is something that I get really excited about. In my mind I want a GraphQL interface (ORMis) for a database that acts like a wire protocol.

These two links have the same zip code: https://www.sqlite.org/np1queryprob.html https://engineering.fb.com/2020/03/02/data-infrastructure/me...

Using RxDB as state management there is much you get for free like sharing the state between multiple browser tabs and reusing a singe replication socket even when the user has opened 1000ths of tabs.

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