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> Every CEO and CIO worth their salary must be looking at how to incorporate this stuff into their business

Those of us old enough to remember recall exactly that phrase said about other stuff, too.

> And we can say that with a straight face unlike some of the other technologies which the tech industry has pushed.

Those of us old enough to remember think this might be exactly like other technologies which boomed ... and then busted.

As John Naughton wrote in The Guardian a month ago[0], "if we know anything from history, it is that we generally overestimate the short-term impact of new communication technologies, while grossly underestimating their long-term implications. So it was with print, movies, broadcast radio and television and the internet."

[0] https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jan/07/chatgp...

This is how it was with blockchain: a solution in search of a problem.

What the advances in AI give us are new capabilities. Ways to solve existing problems much better than before. Smart companies will reassess their old ways to see if they can’t be made better.

As an example, Whisper can and should be used in automated phone systems. Understanding what customers are saying will absolutely make the product better.

> As an example, Whisper can and should be used in automated phone systems. Understanding what customers are saying will absolutely make the product better

Ever since early voice prompt automated phone systems, we've had data that customers hate automated phone systems. Customers like talking to humans who can actually listen and are empowered to provide assistance and resolve problems.

This is why when you earn "elite" status with airlines or hotels one of the most valued perks is typically some kind of special phone number to call which (who'd have thought it?) gets you through rapidly to an actual human being who is (who'd have thought it?) empowered to assist you, without having to go through all the usual voice prompts and endless waiting.

I'd bet a beer that a majority of customers will turn out to hate "AI automation" just as much as they already hate other automation.

I'm with you on this one. The people that figure out how to leverage it as a force/productivity multiplier is going to make big gains in the short run.

In the long run...no way to know but right now for CTOs it's trying to guess which positions are buggy whip manufacturers and optimize them out before others.

My gut is that AI tech will make marginal skilled works rank up to skilled to very skilled.

The gap between rockstar and average worker will close slightly, bring a more even distribution.

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