Not sure why you are arguing about this? The issue is about the idiomatic, expected style that surrounds pure functions and functional programming. The posted article goes into this in greater detail (and more elegantly than this thread) as to why the pattern you describe -- passing a big pointer of potentially large composite data to a function (implicitly or otherwise) -- is not in the spirit of FP purity. If you want to be pedantic, you are welcome and you are academically correct, but the tradition of FP in practice is not to do this (as also pointed out in the article). It's not a question how many arguments but rather if there is extraneous data that the function does not need, as would be common with the full object.
Not sure why you are arguing about large classes with extraneous data. If this is how you program your classes and it works for you then great but honestly you should try for small immutable class where possible with pure functions ( methods). It's really liberating.