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People do things they don't want every single day, including obese people. To equate discomfort with control loses all meaning in both words. The vast majority of people don't want to get out of the bed every morning. Yet the vast majority of people do it anyways, because we have control over that decision regardless of hormone signalling.

Hormone signalling isn't control, if it were then society would cease to function and among many other terrible things you'd lose bodily autonomy as anyone who wanted to sleep with you and was strong enough to subdue you would do so every time they had the urge.

You seem to assume that everyone's brain is like yours. Because we have idiots and geniuses in terms of brain structure, there is a huge variation in how strong someone's prefrontal cortex is.

Actual daily levels of hormones or genetic predisposition have a huge effect on self-control or conscious control.

A relative of mine had a stroke which resulted in the loss of part of the brain. Most people don't have such a drastic stroke, but it's enough if you're born with a different gene and you have a slightly different connectivity in your cortex to not have as much self-control as the next person.

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