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We treat all sorts of addictions and unhealthy relationships with various things as things not entirely in a person's control. Why not an unhealthy relationship with food?

I like reminding people that an alcoholic can abstain completely with no negative effects. People addicted to various drugs can abstain with no negative effects. Same is true for just about every other addiction and/or unhealthy relationship.

Except food. You have to eat. You have to face your temptations every day. Be mindful of your unhealthy relationship every day. Be responsible for consuming moderately in the face of your addiction every day.

And instead, we treat these people with scorn for not being able to do what others find easy. Should I mock alcoholics because I'm able to drink responsibly? Mock drug addicts? Gambling addicts? etc? Why am I the asshole for mocking those groups, but not the asshole for mocking people with food addictions?

> Should I mock alcoholics because I'm able to drink responsibly? Mock drug addicts? Gambling addicts?

One thing advocating for addicts has taught me is that a significant portion of the population answers these questions with "yes." You will see it also on any HN comment section that comes up against addiction. Addiction is highly moralized and shame, ostracism, and punishment are considered acceptable responses.

I think it's worth keeping that in mind when extending the same language and social norms out to other conditions as well. It's certainly not universal but "shame and punish them" is a normalized response to addiction, and so some people will also want to (continue to) respond to this in the same way.

Let's mock video-game addicts and social media addicts too.

And it's way harder to curb food addiction. I know plenty of places where you don't get more than edge and where the only electricity you get is old solar panels. And I can stay there for weeks. Not eating for the same time seems harder.

I was lucky because my only food addiction was sugar. Ended in a month (had to completely stop alcohol and fruit juice too). Stopping sugar curbed my appetite and I went quickly from 32+ BMI to 28 (and 28 to 26+ took almost 3 years).

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