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Many people I know consider themselves victims when it comes to food consumption.

I am fortunate that I am not forced to buy chips, ice cream, ranch dressing, cookies, bagels, and other crap from the grocery store.

Stick to the edge of the grocery store and walk out with only produce and dairy, and lentils if you can make it to that aisle without being distracted.

You can get plenty obese without touching "chips, ice cream, ranch dressing, cookies, bagels, and other crap".

Hell, your username is a reference to one of the worst things you can drink that is considered "healthy". Fruit juice is essentially sugar in a cup. Yeah, it comes from a fruit, but it's closer to eating an orchard, not a orange.

And let's not ignore the fact that your diet could be nothing but your "crap" and you could still lose weight. Because the most important number is the number of calories you are consuming compared to the number you expend.

Not to mention, I doubt your diet consists solely of milky lentils and carrots.

This shows a lack of understanding for what others may be experiencing. Let me explain how it is for me. When I pass near the chocolate or bakery aisle it calls to me like a siren. It’s very difficult to resist. The only method that works for me is to abstain completely. 2-3 weeks of abstinence silences the siren call of sugar.

That might seem weird, I’m talking about sugary treats like an alcoholic describing liquor. Curiously, I feel almost nothing for alcohol. I can take it or leave it.

Hopefully it helps you understand. For what it’s worth, your comment sounds exceedingly smug. That probably wasn’t your intention, just giving you a heads up.

Isn't victimhood the motif of the current era?

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