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I'm genuinely not trying to be a contrarian here, but I was a lot thinner when I was broke. I was younger too though.

My overall health according to doctors, and attractiveness according to peers seems to be about the same.

Wealth went up dramatically between 20 and 30 though. It seems like I'm just not wealthy enough for it to make a difference. I was pretty damn broke hah.

> It seems like I'm just not wealthy enough for it to make a difference

Perhaps money makes less difference than the stereotypes suggest (although must be non-linear since usually can’t go below zero and the median minimum required would be something livable?)

From https://news.yahoo.com/short-kings-rise-grind-study-22590878...

  The study shows that, on average, men who are 5 feet 6 inches need to make an additional $175,000 annually to be as desirable as men who are almost 6 feet

Huh? The study is from 2006 and then the rest is just social media conjecture.

According to the table, the ability for women 5'8" or taller to compensate for their apparent undesirability in the table is "not feasible"? What the hell? Wow this has to be describing another species.

I'm over 6 feet tall and prefer women who are taller than average which just... makes sense? I rarely see couples with such a dramatic height difference.

Yeah- I agree - but it was the first link I found. I had read more reliable information saying something similar (although not the extreme numbers they came up with if I recall correctly).

I have another conjecture based on my anecdotal experience: women get skinny to compete against other women and it is other women that actually care about extreme skinniness. Many men don’t seem to care that much for extreme skinniness and many other men often like more voluptuousness for their pornographic ideals. I would reference an article that seems to back up this idea, but the article was even more rubbishy than the link above!

My experience is much the same. I attributed it to reaching middle age rather than wealth, but if I'm perfectly honest, it probably has more to do with spending much more time sitting at a desk.

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