Is there a list somewhere with domain transactions > $10M? Curious to get a feel for the (subjective) value. There is probably a correlation in price with number of characters, vowels, etc.
The top of that list is for $30mm, which is apparently an NFT art marketplace. The top-selling artist of all time has sold $100k worth of NFTs. The top-selling artist in the past 30 days has sold $425. Ouch. I do not think they made back their investment on that domain.
Had to check that out and you're absolutely right but you missed out that the top selling artist of all time is actor John Cusack. For some reason that's bamboozling me.
I know during the dot com bubble some names sold for very large amounts, and there have been other cases recently (Facebook bought
Other than a small portion, people might be surprised how LITTLE domain names go for; I was involved in the purchase of a three character domain on one of the original TLDs that was only in the $5k range.
That's why I don't think squatting should be allowed. For company name, you can't just create thousand companies and resell their names. Domain squatting brings no value to society