Wait events are perhaps inspired by oracle's stuff, at least indirectly. It was developed by Robert Haas and Amit Kapila, working for EDB. Traditionally a lot of their customers have migrated from Oracle.
The redesigned way of storing stats in memory and pg_stat_io aren't inspired by Oracle. Melanie, who authored pg_stat_io, has never used oracle. I haven't used oracle in ~15 years, and the only thing I remember is fighting crashes in connect_by (I influenced the design of pg_stat_io, and authored large portions of the shared memory stats stuff).
Because PostgreSQL major version upgrades are hard and for large databases, requires some level of downtime. Given that that major version releases are on an annual release cycle, staying evergreen is really really annoying.
Under some elementary scenarios (and using some Postgres offerings), you can do a full major upgrade using logical replication (even with replicas). It depends on your situation, generally I agree, any sophisticated use of Postgres (lot of views, materialized or not, fast changing schema, large objects, and so on) makes upgrades a pain and is generally somewhat of an unresolved problem in my opinion.
Agreed. I also see PG 16 is scheduled for release later in the fall. Also, you don't want to put the first 16.0 version on a production system, rather wait until 16.1, 16.2 etc.
It would be nice if the Azure and AWS Postgres teams could get off their asses and release version 15 already. It has been out for several months now, and crickets.
Homebrew too, but at least they have the excuse that it is open source and unfunded.
I realise it may not be possible for many people due to their organisational requirements, but I think self-hosting is a great option when possible, and the backup story is great with pgbackrest.
It can be a good thing to wait a minor version or two before upgrading to the latest major version. There's much more confidence in the release that way, some companies even have a policy along those lines.
It’s keg only, which shouldn’t matter, except that it does if you want to add any extensions. For example, postgis can’t be added to Postgres 15 using normal brew commands (you can if you edit it and build from scratch and link manually, but that’s kind of a nightmare). Everything is set up to treat PG14 as the default, because that is the one that is not a keg.
We've recently invested effort to make the homepage better (added the animation, revised the messaging, etc), so that makes me happy to hear & will forward to the team as well.
Hey I added your blog to my RSS feeder and it seems that not all articles from your site are in the feed. I can’t inspect feed.xml from mobile to confirm if it’s a problem on your end or mine though