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There are 256 dungeon levels. (Maybe including the town; I'm not sure.)

Dungeon level 100 doesn't have stairs down, but you can get to level 101 by falling through a trap door on level 100.

Hah, nice piece of trivia, I didn't know. How are the item levels down at level 200, because droprates and stuff are based on dungeonlevel right?

Artifacts, ego types, and most normal objects have to pass a depth check before being generated. But nothing in the game has a depth below 100, so there would be no difference between 100 and 200 from that perspective.

It might be easier to find weapons with higher +to_hit and +to_dam values, or armor with higher +ac, but that would be unlikely to matter much, because you'd be using artifacts anyway.

I don't know if rings of speed take dungeon depth into account. Most other types of bonuses in the game are capped. (e.g. a Ring of Constitution +6 is as good as Rings of Constitution get.)

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