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If it pays enough, demand will be induced by people wanting to be paid that much. Supply significantly lags demand for a combination of factors, among them the limited supply of residencies and time needed for a newer school to achieve some beand recognition. In the meantime, med schools can and do raise prices to re-equilibrate the desirability of med school.

PA schools have proliferated to an incredible degree in the last 10 years, because they do 90% of what doctors do for half or less of the cost. Unfortunately, that last 10% can really matter. Also unfortunate, PA isn't prestigious enough to buck its healthcare work tendency to be overwhelmingly female, meaning you get less bang for the education buck by lower workforce participation. Those smart women, to the extent that they're marrying, are wanting to work just a couple days a week (student loans permitting) so they can spend time with their kids.

Things to look forward to, suggested by the forward-looking single payer military system: in the future, you'll schedule your annual 'physical' phone call 2 months in advance, after filling out a 10 page questionnaire. When your 'physical' comes along, a nurse will call, ask if you're going to kill yourself, then sign you off once you finish realizing that her phone tree of, 'Is there anything else I can help you with?' is all dead ends.

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