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Portugal ends Golden Visas, curtails Airbnb rentals to address housing crisis (reuters.com)
7 points by dentalperson on Feb 16, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I believe when I see it. There was a proposal to end the Golden Visa program a few months back and PS (the ruling party, super majority on parliament) voted against. The PM said at the time that "maybe" it was time to end, but when the rubber meets the road, they voted against the laws.

> Until today, 11,628 main applicants have been granted Portugal Golden Visa.[0]

It doesn't look like a lot of people used it.

[0] https://getgoldenvisa.com/portugal-golden-visa-statistics

this sounds so like Japan and the kind of demographic divide they have, mixed with aged population getting benefits from the govt while the youth is squeezed a lot from taxes - and often inheritance taxes and bullshit laws for properties resulted in skyrocketing inflation of housing

feel free to correct i might be wrong about it

It looks like most or all developed countries are like that, not only Portugal and Japan.

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