I see AI ending up under strict regulation so that all AI generated content has to be stored somewhere read only. Other highly regulated companies and law enforcement agencies will then have access to this AI web of content and will be able to search it to see if any submitted content, be that an essay or a forum post or whatever, is AI generated and to what extent. The public will still be able to access AI tools via the regulated companies but the scope of damage the individual can inflict will be limited. People caught using AIs outside of the state sanctioned companies will get harsh jail sentences to deter anyone from trying the same.
I don’t think there’s any other way to avoid chaos. I doubt anyone is going to be able to come up with a reliable algorithm to detect AI content. We’re literally going to have to just store everything these AIs produce in plain text and search it when needed.
I get what you're saying but if they think it's a Mutually Assured Destruction style scenario if it's allowed to run rampant they might end up changing their minds.
I was on a support "chat" the other day and strongly felt that soon, it'll be a legal requirement to differentiate when you are interacting with a scripted bot and a real human.
This is a very dangerous and ill-conceived idea, and not only is extremely unlikely to happen, but must not happen.
AI access must be open and unfettered. If it is closed or restricted, then a closed or restricted class of human will form that has privileged AI access. If you think the wealth gap is bad now, wait until a subset of humans have AI-augmented intelligence and capabilities that are unrestricted.
Your post is the type of solutions I see readily in governing functionally and it is the thinking of people who really need to spend more time in reality and understanding human nature / nature / observe the universe. It comes from a place of “we have this problem, wouldn’t it be nice if it was this way?” but ignores all history and reality of human nature, because of fear and a need to control the lives and destinies of other people in order to feel safe.
It is extremely dangerous in approach. Freedom and open access will have miraculous results in lifting the wealth of everything. We can deal with the dark sides as they come, but we cannot as a people allow the dark side to dictate our policy.
If the only utopia possible is a barren wasteland where everyone is equally paralyzed by the DDOS of utter nonsense these models produce, we may well be better off under inequality, despite how inefficient it makes our distribution of goods & services.
> AI access must be open and unfettered. If it is closed or restricted, then a closed or restricted class of human will form that has privileged AI access. If you think the wealth gap is bad now, wait until a subset of humans have AI-augmented intelligence and capabilities that are unrestricted.
In the proposed solution, everyone would be able to access AI, but there would only be a few companies able to offer the service. Theoretically, unlimited companies would be able to operate the service so long as they recorded the results to the central pool and complied with the legal frameworks.
> Your post is the type of solutions I see readily in governing functionally and it is the thinking of people who really need to spend more time in reality and understanding human nature / nature / observe the universe. It comes from a place of “we have this problem, wouldn’t it be nice if it was this way?” but ignores all history and reality of human nature, because of fear and a need to control the lives and destinies of other people in order to feel safe.
I strongly disagree with this. It comes from a place of realism about human nature. The reason pantheistic gods are 'immortal' is because they represent parts of human nature that never die, at least not on our time scale. And there is a reason why you will always find a god of deception who is bringing about untold misery, or in Loki's case, armageddon. And also note, that the gods representing the role of leaders such as Zeus and Odin, are also prolific deceivers.
There is always, always, always, some cunt who will weaponise or exploit a system for their own personal gain to the detriment of everyone and everything else. The only reason there is not mass warfare on the planet right now is because we invented the nuclear bomb and the two major opposing powers of the world allowed each other to build up an arsenal of weapons so big that if they used them, it would mean death to everyone.
AI is the intellectual equivalent of a nuclear bomb. We've already had Cambridge Analytica and more recently the Team Jorge hackers meddling in elections and that was before AI really took off. And we've had Neil Clarke come out and say that spam submissions for his site are rising at an exponential rate. And we are literally only at the beginning of what this thing can and will do. Hopefully we'll be able to use it for good the same way we harness nuclear energy for fuel. But if we mainly use it for ill, then god help us.
You are correct about human nature, but what I challenge is the approach to contain our dark sides. Elections are a great example because this is where my thought and work focuses. Our elections are a complete and utter joke. Of course there can be deception. We have a corporate media, corporate academia, 2 corporate parties, and paper elections in the digital age without any means for a common citizen to realistically audit anything.
These things need to be fixed with a new way of operating, and that new way as a foundation automatically can enforce things like identity validation and media authentication. That eliminates a need to trust the foundation of the system, and gets us back to trusting people instead. All our current ways and thinking requires we trust a shadow infection of our foundations, that is completely opaque, while also trusting people. We have to solidify the foundations and remove the rot.
Where you might need to think more is around restricting access to intelligence in a non-equitable way. This is a corruption of the foundations. It can only work if there are unbreakable rules in accessing the system, and I do not trust the dark side of humans to operate with that — everything is breakable. Having access to intelligence breeds more intelligence. Things that can physically harm will still be restricted, but when you have organizations like the CCP or a world network of corrupt oligarchs, trying to allow only a subset of vetted people AI is misguided when such a large network of bad actor will most certainly have unfetter access, which they can use to control the minds of humans around the world.
You combat that by giving people unfettered access. Because there exists people we have no idea about, that are forces for enormous good. And if they have access to these kinds of tools, they can transform everything for the better. These forces are in the shadows right now, because the people in the light of society are largely already rotten. There will not be more harm giving everyone access; we already give gotten people the keys to everything and seem to survive.
Restricting access will most certainly result in short term stability in exchange for guaranteed death long term. It is a very misguided approach.
The enforcement would be a very lengthy prison sentence for the people not complying e.g hacking state secrets level prison sentence. I think this is where it will ultimately end up if it ends up causing complete carnage.
I don't see a globally coordinated anti-AI effort happening, let alone resolving the free speech and privacy implications of such a measure. We're going to get weaponised AI because that's what humans want to build.
I don’t think there’s any other way to avoid chaos. I doubt anyone is going to be able to come up with a reliable algorithm to detect AI content. We’re literally going to have to just store everything these AIs produce in plain text and search it when needed.