Yes, those responses are funny as of themselves, and if this chat bot was being marketed as a tool for entertainment (e.g. Microsoft saying "You'll never guess what our zany chat bot will say next, give it a try and see what happens!") that would be great.
However, depending on the horsepower of the hype bandwagon of each PR executive and media commentator, chatbots are being presented as anything between the next big thing in search, or as a singularity moment in terms of society and technology. The fact that the chat bot returns these answers, which if they were presented by a human in customer support would be anything between a fireable (and borderline prosecutable) offence and a psychotic breakdown makes the claims regarding this technology ridiculous at best, irresponsible at worst.
Meanwhile @ MS: “Look at all the people anthropomorphizing our LLM that just puts words in an order likely on the internet”, “Yes, beautiful, there is no such thing as bad publicity”.
We’re all generating some nice new training data I guess.
the fact that so many supposedly serious people consider it anything more than elaborate autocomplete for English is seriously worrying. the fact they're pushing it out to normal people under false pretences is surely not going to end in tears.