With RDF* and SPARQL* ("RDF-star" and "SPARQL-star") how are triple (or quad) stores still distinct from property graphs?
RDFS and SHACL (and OWL) are optional in a triple store, which expects the subject and predicate to be string URIs, and there is an object datatype and optional language:
> A feature comparison of SQL w/ EAV, SPARQL/SPARUL, [SPARQL12 SPARQL-star, [T-SPARQL, SPARQLMT,]], Cypher, Gremlin, GraphQL, and Datalog would be a useful resource for evaluating graph query languages.
> I'd probably use unstructured text search to identify the relevant resources first.
RDFS and SHACL (and OWL) are optional in a triple store, which expects the subject and predicate to be string URIs, and there is an object datatype and optional language:
RDFS introduces rdfs:domain and rdfs:range type restrictions for Properties, and rdfs:Class and rdfs:subClassOf.`a` means `rdf:type`; which does not require RDFS:
Quad stores have a graph_id string URI "?g" for Named Graphs: There's a W3C CG (Community Group) revising very many of the W3C Linked Data specs to support RDF-star: https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/rdf-starLooks like they ended up needing to update basically most of the current specs: https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/rdf-star/tools
"RDF-star and SPARQL-star" (Draft Community Group Report; 08 December 2022) https://w3c.github.io/rdf-star/cg-spec/editors_draft.html
GH topics: rdf-star, rdfstar: https://github.com/topics/rdf-star, https://github.com/topics/rdfstar
pyDatalog does datalog with SQLAlchemy and e.g. just the SQLite database: https://github.com/pcarbonn/pyDatalog ; and it is apparently superseded by IDP-Z3: https://gitlab.com/krr/IDP-Z3/
From https://twitter.com/westurner/status/1000516851984723968 :
> A feature comparison of SQL w/ EAV, SPARQL/SPARUL, [SPARQL12 SPARQL-star, [T-SPARQL, SPARQLMT,]], Cypher, Gremlin, GraphQL, and Datalog would be a useful resource for evaluating graph query languages.
> I'd probably use unstructured text search to identify the relevant resources first.