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We should certainly send China a bill for any damages and costs when their "mostly peaceful" research craft with limited maneuverability, which is illegally in our airspace and also not compliant with many FAA regulations, is accidentally involved in a mid-air collision with US military asset in which both are destroyed. In this case, and several others like it, a $499,000 un-crewed US air vehicle was also ultimately destroyed. Let alone the environmental cleanup, there is also the cost of the fighter sent in an attempt to escort, in retrospect unsuccessfully, the foreign craft to safety, fuel, ground crews, etc. It is only fortunate that no people were harmed thus far. We regret that the foreign craft was destroyed in this preventable and unnecessary accident and, regardless of fault, every effort will be made to return any recovered remains to the rightful owner once the bill for the damages is paid and ownership/title is determined.

If the judgement, in proper US courts, of the damages is not paid in a timely fashion, property of the owners or citizens thereof may be seized to satisfy the debt.

You could seize about two-dozen houses in Pasadena owned by Chinese nationals or corporations and be square.

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