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Elon’s Super Bowl Tweet Flopped, So He Had 80 Engineers Boost His Tweets (rollingstone.com)
49 points by croes on Feb 15, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

These are the last days of a mad emperor who’s drugged out of his mind and surrounded by vultures.

This wad of extreme personality defects was given billions of dollars and bought the biggest microphone on Earth and he still can’t make people like him. Nothing will ever be enough.

That this revolting creep has significant business overlap with American military interests is alarming. Nationalize SpaceX now.

I think what's more intriguing is no one could easily answer the true metrics on why/what the algorithm is doing in term of how its scoring reach. Twitter seems like a mess.

Simplicity sometimes wins. Not sure where such complexity has come from. Would never have imagined Twitter that seems so simple, so complex.

Musk is a free speech absolutist, as long as his speech comes first.

amazing that billionaires can manage to be fucking losers

is it that hard to be cool?

Amazing that billionaires still seem to have the urge to be cool.

Maybe being with Claire went to his head.

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