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Sudden Dropbox macOS Changes (dropbox.com)
3 points by dougdonohoe on Feb 15, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I got this message this morning as well.

Dropbox, like gmail, has been a service I've used for (feels like) 10+ years, and it's served me well enough to both PAY FOR IT, and ignore the warts (nagging me to use it for pics, passwords, constantly turning on 'online-only' mode when I explicitly disable it, etc).

Frankly, until today, it has just WORKED. To the point where half-a-dozen Mac apps sync configs to it.

Forcing a unilateral interruption to all their customer's workflows like this, while work-around-able, feels like the right time to re-evaluate keeping it at all.

Anyone know any technical details on why ~/Library/CloudStorage was chosen? Is this to better integrate with what the OS expects for cloud storage providers?

I wonder if this also affects Linux.

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