> His deputies told the rest of the engineering team this weekend that if the engagement issue wasn’t “fixed,” they would all lose their jobs as well.
Won’t be long until the engineers feel pressure to proactively tweak the algorithm to suppress the reach of any accounts that tweet anything that’s remotely anti-Elon
Whats the point of taking a company private if you can't use it to stroke your fragile ego?
Nothing surprising here. Somebody in the US comedy scene should deliver one of those 2000lb tubs of lube to his trailer home. If he needs the strokes, better avoid the burns.
I wonder if he appreciates that having fielded accusations of systematic bias in government-twitter engagement, wielding his code-ax to direct systematic bias against popular sentiment and engagement with government might be seen as ... a bit two-faced? I suspect either "thats the whole point" or he doesn't care. It's not about what people think its about, it's about him.
As a coder, would you write this at a higher abstraction
apply-systematic-bias(toward, away, rate, filters) or what?
There have been like a dozen articles with this identical headline. What a petty central narrative. It sprung from a pretty innocuous issue. Who falls for this?
Won’t be long until the engineers feel pressure to proactively tweak the algorithm to suppress the reach of any accounts that tweet anything that’s remotely anti-Elon