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evo_9 on Feb 14, 2023 | hide | past | favorite

Bizarre post. It constantly alludes to what makes YC founders special/successful, but spends no time explaining why a DAO allows those traits to propagate better than a tradition corporate structure would. Indeed, there are many mentions of knowledge that the founders of OrangeDAO learned from their YC experience, but a DAO is basically a governance structure, how does a DAO help that knowledge propagate better than a wiki? How does a DAO "carry culture"?

I thought one of the purported benefits of a DAO is that anyone can contribute and participate by buying the associated token? That kind of structure seems like it would dilute the culture, not reinforce it. Or is this some kind of "private DAO", where membership is restricted? Then what's the point of doing a DAO at all instead of some kind of co-op VC corporate structure?

Has nothing to do with Paul Graham. Click-bait?

> A Distributed Autonomous Organization is a financial partnership that leverages blockchain technology to help multiple users make decisions as a single entity.

How does this work? The article doesn't go into it

It’s basically a coop

But something something blockchain.

That's what I don't get. Most coops operating perfectly well without blockchain.

Maybe it still attracts the kind of investor that’s easier to separate from their money.

looks like a scam.

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