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I'm from Germany, if not being able to remove a book from the school library riles you up that much, you probably would hate it here.

Children are required to go to school, there is no home schooling possible. You also can't remove them from particular classes or content you find objectionable, even for religious reasons (in general, exceptions are rare as far as I understand). And I think it is very reasonable that kids have the right to an education and that the parents can't just remove stuff they disagree with.

Schooling was invented in Germany (Prussia) in order to churn out massive amounts of soldiers who would obey any order without questioning. It is no surprise that education continues to be very backwards in the country who invented the worst system.

You've learned nothing from your own history.

Or they learned lessons we in the US haven't.


> Ohio’s Department of Education appears to have closed an investigation without pressing charges against a couple that operates the Dissident Homeschool Telegram message channel with thousands of members.

> One founder, who said the group responded to “having a rough time finding Nazi-approved school material” to homeschool her children, posted photos of a cake she baked for Adolf Hitler’s birthday, Vice News and The Huffington Post reported, based on Anonymous Comrades Collective research.

Is that how it got started in Germany? With homeschoolers? You sure about that bud?

BTW, since we went Godwin rest assured that sadly there is no shortage of those types of people across the pond.

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