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Banned by Amazon, and now from school library shelves too? And that's on top of their foundation being deplatformed by all credit cards. They really don't want us reading White Identity by Jared Taylor.

Oh, it's about Handmaid's Tale, the book about what if Sharia came to the US? With a well-publicized, well-funded TV series on major networks? Available literally everywhere except school libraries in one Virginia county?

They so like cloaking themselves as noble crusaders against censorship, but their crusades never go beyond their ideological doorstep.

They so like cloaking themselves as noble crusaders against censorship, but their crusades never go further than their ideological doorstep.

Sadly that's true for almost everyone on both ends of the political spectrum. The loudest voices are rarely raised in defense of expression they despise. Most people espouse whatever set of principles most benefits their own desires, and will abandon them the moment they don't.

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