A lot of older Debian documentation has rotted away which is very sad for retro hobby stuff
I wanted to rebuild Debian 2.2 against GCC 3.3 with its better support for SMP and SSE support for an old Pentium 3 workstation I've been playing with. Back then that kind of optimization could yield impressive performance benefits
Unfortunately there's just no documentation for how to rebuild those ancient versions of Debian. The oldest I could find targeted the much newer Debian 4.0 "Etch" which came out in the mid 2000's
I wanted to rebuild Debian 2.2 against GCC 3.3 with its better support for SMP and SSE support for an old Pentium 3 workstation I've been playing with. Back then that kind of optimization could yield impressive performance benefits
Unfortunately there's just no documentation for how to rebuild those ancient versions of Debian. The oldest I could find targeted the much newer Debian 4.0 "Etch" which came out in the mid 2000's