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Do we have numbers on what percentage of laid off "tech workers" are programmers vs IT, management, hr, product, design, scrum masters, marketing, sales, accounting, philanthropy, etc?

Is it though?

> and those useless HR departments staffed by those who can't do real work

As written by a guy who is:

> author, reporter, editor, blogger and columnist

So he just writes about stuff others are doing. Would that be real work then?

There seems to be an incredible arrogance in the tech community (and especially among devs) that only devs are real tech workers. That all these other roles like HR, legal, marketing, recruitment and management are just fluff and everything would be better and more efficient without them. This stuff is short sighted and wrong.

As a developer, do you want to write employment contracts? Do you want to think of benefits packages? Do you want to make sure the WiFi network is functioning correctly? You you want to change the ink cartridges on the printers? You you want to write down list of keywords for ad campaigns? Do you want to sit through sessions with investors who want to know everything about a product they hardly understand?

No, you don't and all these people exist because you don't have to all that stuff. They exist because they're good at handling those things while a dev is good at writing code. Are they annoying sometimes? Sure. Are there some people in those roles who don't add much value? Probably, but I've seen plenty of devs who didn't add much value.

Why do discussions in dev communities keep discounting all the layoff because "it's probably just recruitment"? These are still people who lost their jobs and need to find other jobs and their lives aren't worth less because the don't push code.

>Why do discussions in dev communities keep discounting all the layoff because "it's probably just recruitment"?

because while it is true that these are people who are also important devs in analyzing their own precarity will feel that their situation is not so unstable if it is not devs getting laid off, or if devs get laid off they get jobs quickly again.

> As a developer, do you want to write employment contracts?

The answer is yes my friend. For solo projects. It's easy and I use the better tools for the job (pandoc).

> Do you want to make sure the WiFi network is functioning correctly?

Always being doing that as well. Did I mention that OpenWRT works better?

> You you [sic] want to write down list of keywords for ad campaigns?

I wrote a script for that a while ago (not even for my company).

> Do you want to sit through sessions with investors who want to know everything about a product they hardly understand?

I was brought to that meetings because my boss thought they would invest because of me.

> No, you don't [!!!]

Yes, yes, and yes.

I've dug holes with hand tools and I've been the IT guy getting managed by a team of different types of managers, so I can say in defense of those municipal workers that I couldn't dig a hole for 8 hours straight - it's more of a relay marathon than a sprint. But yes, I've been on calls with managers that basically boil down to, "which peon can we find to do this work?", to which I'd say, "you're talking to him". Didn't stop me from getting laid off though.

Other than the meme illustrating the article, I'd say there is nothing in any way whatsoever at all relevant on this very old, drowned on clichês, disconnected, and somewhat pointless, rant.

From which point is a developer management?

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