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I’m not sure that I believe you know what you’re talking about. Not trying to be offensive in that statement, but “can’t back up my very broad, generalized statement with any detail or explanation” comes across as though you’re afraid to reveal your lack of understanding about the details you elided.

You’re saying he doesn’t know what he’s talking about? He is saying you can’t really do GIS without multiple layers. This is basic knowledge for anyone working in GIS.

Explain how qgis doesn’t allow multiple layers. I have a project open right now with 6 layers. That to me seems like “multiple layers.”

And how would that concept even apply to postgis? A postgis query can operate over many tables.

And there are a variety of open source tools that allow multi-dimensional data structures. That’s multiple layers in multiple dimensions.

So I’m hoping, if there’s some aspect of a GIS layer I don’t understand, he can explain it. Qgis totally supports multiple layers in the sense that most people think of it.

He doesn’t have to divulge “secret information” to do this. If he is referring to some aspect of the qgis architecture he can just say so. Qgis is open source, their GitHub repo is clean and well documented. Im merely asking for him to explain why it handling multiple layers is somehow not really handling multiple layers.

Guys I think the pronouns are causing the confusion :-) He who? The blame causality is all mixed up in this thread.

I am not claiming to be world class expert in GIS and English is not my mother tongue. This comment by tarotuser is confusing me "Yeah, there's a massive amount of essential features just missing from OSM and QGIS. Like, even the most basic - layers. They don't even really exist in OSM side of things. Whereas if I'm doing travel-time-bands from medical centers, I absolutely must use multiple boundary layers." Layers have existed in QGIS for a long time. What are those "massive amount of essential features just missing from OSM and QGIS"?

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