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How to Design iOS Apps (ashfurrow.com)
25 points by AshFurrow on Jan 17, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Let me give you another reason why you should always use standard classes.It is because good design goes very deep

For example you can easily create your own implementation of a scrollview by animating the bounds property but there is no way you are going to come close apple's implementation of UIScrollView.It will take months if you try to make it from scratch.(I just spent a month!)

For starters you will have to understand the physics of it i.e the inertia,friction,damped harmonic oscillations etc.And even after that you will have to use a CADisplayLink timer to do the animations right by syncing them with the refresh rate of the display.

'Otherwise, you're a loose canon and should probably just go write Android apps until you finish puberty.'

I don't really see what this kind of comment adds to the article..

Ya, the author loses a lot of credibility there. Especially when a lot of the points apply to mobile development on _any_ platform.

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